Tuesday, August 25, 2009

It is Trivia Time

I started a new post to be sure everyone sees it. When I was in Ottumwa over the weekend a discussion was started about the grandchildren of Ben and Elizabeth Ollendick. When I got in the conversation I would have had a hard time answering the question and I may not be 100% correct now. I will wait for 2-3 days before I post my answer but I would like everyone who reads this to guess the first grandchild and the last grandchild of grandpa and grandma Ollendick. A small hint would be, I saw both of them on sunday and monday.
It will only take a moment to post a comment and lets see how many different answers are received.


Anonymous said...

what an interesting question!!!! I guess we will all have to put our thinking caps on and give it some thought. But I know for sure...I am not either, I was just the favorite!!!

Anonymous said...

Ron Ollendick is the oldest
Uncle Don youngest child


Anonymous said...

I agree, I think Ronnie Ollendick is the oldest, but I think Uncle Chuck's daughter, Karen is the youngest........

Anonymous said...

If it is not Uncle Chuck's daughter, then I guess it would be Aunt Dorothy's son......Mark

Anonymous said...

I think Mary is right - Ronnie and Mark. Mark and Dorothy were not there yet when we left. I thought the youngest might have been Bernadine's Debbie(or is it Denise) but she was not there as far as I know. Otherwise, I thought Connie Mosher, but she wasn't there either. What a spread of years!!

Anonymous said...

Well, it has been a couple of days. Ron Ollendick is the oldest and will be 69 in september (if I heard correctly) and Mark Salber is the youngest at 32 years (not sure of his birthday). When we were talking to Mark and his wife (Karry) along with Dorothy, Barb remark that the last time she saw Mark was at the farm when they stop to see mom. Dorothy said we also took him along since he was so much youngeras his brothers and sisters. So that is roughly 37 years of grandchildren.
I look forward to guessing if anyone else comes up with a question. Thanks for playing.

Anonymous said...

Awesome.......guess we will have to put our thinking caps on to come up with more questions......Loved it Gabby, I'm glad you thought of it.

Anonymous said...

hey, was it said how many of us there is/was? Or should that be our next question? It seems that there are quite afew grandchildren that have passed away and I probably do not know all of them.