Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sweet! Oops...meant Suite...

Shawn and I had a blast taking the kids to a MN Wild hockey game tonight. Lost to the NY Rangers - but still a good game. Dakota lucked out and there were a couple girls her age that she played with during part of the game. Part of me was hoping for a tied game with a couple minutes left in the game. Would have been nice to have the win....but it's also nice to get home after the drive from the cities.

Here's Dakota lounging in her front row seat in the suite section....
Here's Shawn, Alex, and Jordyn watching the game very closely!
Here's Zach, Jorydn, and Dakota pre-game! We got to the rink with a little time to spare before general doors opened. We walked right to our gate and entered into the Suites level and got a cool look of the arena before the crowds started to fill into the seats. It was kind of cool.
A huge thank you to Mom and Dad for keeping Connor overnight for me so I was able to do this with Zach and Dakota!!! The kids did have a great time and are currently fast asleep for the short night of sleep ahead.

Parvuli dei medal

Zachary and 3 other scouts received their Pauvuli dei medals/awards this morning (March 25) in church. They are religious medals that the scouts can earn. Shawn met with the 4 scouts over the last few months and went thru the requirements with them.Shawn giving Michelle the medal to put on Zach's shirt.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Ann's family news

For the second time this year I have sent plenty of time at the hospital with Patty for another surgery. Yesterday I took her to the emergency room. Doctors pretty quickly said it was her gall bladder but from there it moved slowly. They were quite busy. She was finally admitted at 8pm, I waited to talk to the surgeon until 9:30 but then went home. I had been told she needed to be on antibiotics for 24 to 48 hours before they could do surgery because of all the infection. We were surprised when Tori called this morning and was told her mom was in surgery. Don't know when they took her because she was on the computer when I called but she got back to her room about 12:30 after surgery. Tori and I went up this afternoon. The nurse said people usually go home just a couple of hours after surgery. We had the doctor called after she finally ate at 5 and drink some fluids (to make sure everything stayed down, she had not eaten since Thursday). The doctor would not release her, she needs to stay tonight for IV antibiotics and fluids. We will be going up tomorrow to bring her home. She was feeling much better when we left about 7pm.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Shawn invited everyone to visit and celebrate Alex's birthday on Sunday afternoon. Alex will do almost anything to avoid having his picture taken.So it is pretty much three pictures of the same thing, but I have to take them when I get the chance. He had a baseball cake with cupcakes. There were a couple of the guys that thought they
should get the 'big cupcake' in the middle!!!! In fact, Connor just took his fork and was going to dig in......he was stopped before he did any damage, but it was sure funny to watch him.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Alex is driving and Norrie is "2"

The grandchildren are growing up so fast. Alex is now the proud owner of a learner's permit - so he really isn't driving yet!!! And Norrie turned 2 a couple days ago. Since Papa and G'ma was asked to have Conrad and Norrie visit for a little while Sat evening, we decided to have a party of 4. This was the first chance we had to give Norrie her gift.
We had gotten an angel food cake earlier today, and when Conrad heard we had angel food cake, he got totally excited!!! That is really good with whipped cream and strawberries he told us. And he showed us that the whipped cream had to go on the cake before the strawberries.
Wow, can't believe how fast they are growing up.

Friday, March 16, 2012

For Your Information

Just wanted to let everyone know that Kate and Mike has a new phone number. They called and Kate said I could inform you all, but I am not comfortable putting it on the blog. So if anyone would like it, please contact me.
Our brother, Robert also called and we visited for awhile. He mainly called to see how Barb was doing after her surgery. He said everything is fine in Wyoming and I mentioned that I was getting worried since we had not seen any news for awhile. Later....

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Barb had shoulder surgery this morning. I don't know for sure what all she had done, she said they did some scraping/cleaning and some stitches to repair a tear. Hopefully, in a day or so when she is feeling better, she will put the details on. She is home now, went home about noon and has slept quite abit this afternoon.

Feel better soon, Barb!!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

pattern drafting

This will probably only be of interst to Ann, Linda and Barb. With a little (truthfully - alot) of help from Ken this morning - this is what I have come up with so far. It is a little of the big size, but this is the biggest iron I have. I need to bind it, put handles on it and a closure in front.
But I didn't think it so too bad for a first effort - and it will protect the iron on sew days!!!!

It may have to be a sew day project!!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Family Reunion

Hope everyone is keeping Sunday, May 27th open for family reunion. I will be roasting a turkey for hot turkey sandwiches. I think someone else will bring sloppy joes. Please feel free to bring salads, dessert, buns/bread, or chips. I will also bring punch or something in our 5 gallon jug. If you want pop, you will need to bring your own. NO ALCOHOL IS ALLOWED. We will be eating around noon. Come as early as you like and stay as late as you want! As long as we have the room cleaned up by 10pm!! I don't think there will be many who have to work Monday anyway. Sharon told me Jody will probably not be there as her new baby is due the first part of June. The room isn't as large as Linda thought but I think we can make do and still have a good time. There is a nice playground for the kids. If you have lawn chairs bring them along so we can use the outdoors. The pictures of sewing day are in the room we will have for the reunion - it is quite nice with 2 large bathrooms right in the hallway.
Hope to as many as possible on the 27th!

A Day Together

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


since Ann put the birthday wishes on the blog and since today is our baby brother's special day I thought I would add this Trivia I came across for Alan's special day!!!!

Today is Wednesday March 7th, the 67th day of 2012. There are 299
days remaining in this year, and as I researched the events that happened on
this day in history, I found out that it was on the 7th of March in 1933 that Charles
devised the game of Monopoly.
The great Depression was in progress and he sold the game himself for two years
prior to it being mass-marketed by Parker Brothers in 1935 making Darrow a
millionaire. I guess he passed "GO" and never looked back!
And if you're in the mood for birthday cake, why not crash a birthday party
today. Willard Scott (Today Show weatherman & friend of centenarians) will be
celebrating his 78th birthday today and former Disney-head Michael
, his 70th. And if today is also your birthday, here's a great big
"Happy Birthday to YOU" from StudioKat Designs, and if today is not your
birthday, you can celebrate the day anyway with a rousing game of Monopoly, or
if you're pressed for time, maybe just enjoy this little video of funny Willard
Scott clips
from 2009!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

March birthdays and anniversary

Looks like it is time to send out birthday wishes for March! Happy birthday to our baby brother Alan and my youngest grandson, Kaden tomorrow on the 7th. Mark on the 8th . Alex on the 14th and Norrie on the 15th, then Dale on the 19th. Ken on the 23rd. Roger and John O. on the 24th. Hope I didn't forget anyone!
Also, a belated Happy 6th anniversary to David and Jenny Hayes - hard to believe it is only 6 years since they have been together alot longer than that!
Hasn't today been a beautiful day in Minnesota - 60 degrees, who would have thought! May have a little rain tomorrow which is ok too.
Have a great week everyone!
Love you all