Sunday, September 19, 2010

busy weekend

Saturday Matt and Liz attended the Testicle Festival in Zumbrota and the kids stayed with us. In return Matt brought his chainsaw today and we cut down our crabtree, our 1/2 dead maple in front yard and the elm tree at the back of the house. The elm had that elm bore so we had dead limbs up in it. We planted 2 new maple trees in the front of the house. Roger and I are very blessed that Matt, Mark, Jerome, and Ryan helped get this done. The bottom of the elm and 3 short limbs had to stay for now in case there are any deer gotten this season.
Ryan went bow hunting yesterday, shot a deer but could not find it since it got dark fast. He went out looking this morning but still did not find it. Mary, he said to tell you that yes those tips are sharp, he sliced his thumb wide open today when in the woods when he was changing tips.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Answer to Dale's question

This is the answer to your question Gabby. It wasn't any of the Smith boys, it was a grandson.
It was Rod Smith, and it is posted under comments on August 24th of 2010.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What's everyone up to?

What's everyone up to? There hasn't been anything put on the blog lately. Ken and I went to the MN State fair on Labor Day and really enjoyed it. It's been alot of years since we were there, plus I think this is only the second or third time we've been there. A little rain here and there, but nothing too bad.
We spent most of the time checking out the buildings and seeing what was in all of them. I know we didn't make it around to everything. But since we both had to work Tuesday we didn't want to get too late either.

I will probably see some of you in Tomah on Saturday........everyone drive safe.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

I'm having a party

Greetings to all you ladies,
I am having a Thirty One Party! It is Sept 28 @ 6:00pm (Tues. evening).
For those of you that don't know what Thirty One is a company that has handbags, totes, children items, stationery, etc. The name Thirty One comes from Proverbs 31, which describes the characteristics of a good who virtuous and business-minded, always taking care of her family.
I really like the products and want to share them with all of you. Michelle will be the presenter at the party, and would love to share all the neat items, and ideas with you. I really like the handbags, I am using one right now!
Please come and bring guests and share with info with anyone you think might be interested.
If you are interested in seeing a catalog, but can't come, please let me know and I will get one to you.
Plus if you like the products, Michelle will be happy to have a party with you being the hostess.....a good way to get hostess benefits.