Sunday, January 23, 2011


Our week end started out like most every other week end, not much going on. We went to the Sat morning free movie with Michelle's family (but Connor spent most of the movie time walking the halls - he didn't want to sit thru a movie). Ken and I spent the afternoon at home, I was cleaning and sewing. Ken was working on the embroidery on some hat for Spencer's National Guard group, and working on taxes. Conrad arrived at our house (for a sleep over) about 4:30. After eating we went to Kasson to watch Alex's hockey game. Alex's team had their FIRST WIN Sat night. It was a good game to watch, the boys played very well.
Sun morning started pretty routine also, except we had Conrad. After eating breakfast (Conrad wanted waffles), we were off to church to meet Tim, Nancy and Norrie. Ken, I and Conrad got there first and were sitting down, when - this part is gross if you don't want to read it - Conrad opened his mouth and his entire breakfast came up. After doing that approx. 3 times, (it was pretty quick) I got him up and into the rest room. Tim and Nancy were just walking in the door at that time. Interesting time at church, cleaning the pew, floor and restroom!!! Conrad wanted to ride home with us, and was cheerful and talking all the way home. We got him home, gave him a bath and guess what? He was hungary. When Tim and Nancy left about 12;30 he seemed happy and fine.
This evening we will be heading back to Kasson to watch another hockey game.
The afternoon was spent doing things around the house and half way watching the football game. It really wasn't all that interesting to watch.
Guess we will see what the next couple days bring.........
Hope you all had a nice and interesting week end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I like having kinda a boring life!