Sunday, April 25, 2010

busy weekend

Well, what a cool wet weekend this turned out to be!! Also, a fun one. Linda, Barb, Mary, and I enjoyed ourselves visiting and sewing yesterday. Ken also worked on embroidering boy scout bags for the gamboree (they are very nice). I am sure Mary will get some pictures up soon to show us hard at work. Today I went to a clients birthday party, then went to Virginia's. We should all be very proud of our brother Carl who earned $2000 last night for a ill friend/coworker at a benefit by getting his hair cut and beard shaved. And I must say he looks very dashing. I noticed on my way home how much the trees are leaving out now that we are getting alittle rain. So now I am back at home getting some laundry done.
Patricia is suppose to be flying out tomorrow to England, please keep her in your prayers that she has a safe trip and no more volcano activity. She is to return May 11. Crystal will be moving to Riceville, closing on a house June 1. Matt has another week off, some got lay-off notices Friday. Road construction is still a fickle job. Mark and Ryan have been spending time working on their boats or motors - always something. And all the grandchildren are fine (as far as I know). Roger continues to stay out of trouble most of the time and I continue to try to keep an eye on all of them and work.
Hope everyone has a great week.

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