Saturday, June 2, 2012

Saturday Project

 The window wells really needed to be replaced.   So Shawn and Spencer came this morning to help Ken do the job.  First - they needed to look the situation over and decide what needed to done.
A lot of dirt needed to be dug out.   Over the years alot of dirt had sifted in thru the timbers and had filled in the bottom.  So Shawn dug and dug and dug it out.
 Connor wanted to help - here he is with the sledge hammer - I really don't think he would have been able to pick it up.  But it came in very handy for Shawn as the new timbers were put in and the spikes were nailed in to secure them.
First, the drill, then the hammer.
 It's almost to the top. Only one more set needed.
All finished and most of the clean up done.   One done - one to go.
Shawn enjoying a few minutes of resting and cool drink of water.  Shawn spent most of the time in the window well (I told Spencer that he should be down there - he should be used to it after the last year.)  Ken and Spencer did the cutting and carrying the timber to Shawn.    The rest of us were the supervisors and we did a good job of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must say they look like they did a really good job. Way to go guys!