Now that Christmas is past and the New Year ahead of us, I hope everyone had a good, happy Christmas. My family was all together the Sun before, and, as usual very hectic, but still great having everyone together. Brian and Sarah got home safely on Christmas Eve day. The rest of us all got the stomach flu, so we have had a couple interesting days, the flu pretty much went thru every family, and Brian took it back to Chicago with him (only he didn't realize where it came from right away). Everyone seems to be feeling better now, so hopefully we will start the New Year off on a better foot.
Happy New Year to all..............and hopefully will hear from some of you soon.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Don't know what it is
If you sent something to post, it is not coming up as a message, it is just coming up as an advertisement for yahoo. So is you have something to post, please send it again.
If you sent something to post, it is not coming up as a message, it is just coming up as an advertisement for yahoo. So is you have something to post, please send it again.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Shawn & Heather family news
It is hard to believe that it is already December. In our house, that doesn't just mean Christmas, it also means we are getting knee deep in to hockey season. Where to begin? I will start with the oldest……Shawn. He has been busy with his officiating. He has been doing youth games and High School games along with being the coordinator for all the officials for Dodge County. As if that isn't enough, he also helps to organize all of the home tournaments. Alex is in his 6th year of hockey and still loving it. He was asked to be on the A team (the highest level), but we are not able to be in town for the 2 out of town tournaments they would be in, so Alex decided to not play on that team. So, now he is excited that he can try to be the "top dog" of the B team! And as if 2 on the ice wasn't enough, Jordyn has decided to start skating this year. She is what is considered a "termite." I am not sure who came up with these names or classifications, but they can be funny sometimes. So, once a week, we take her to the arena to skate around, if you can call what she does skating. As for me, I do the behind the scenes stuff for hockey. I take care of all the registration items for the association, so that keeps me busy the first part of the season. After that, I am the car pooler, snack maker and skate tier when Shawn isn't able to be around. As Shawn puts it, I am a Winter Widow. If anyone finds their way over to Kasson, stop on by the house. I can't guarantee we will be home, but if not I am sure we will be at the arena. Or as Shawn says, "Our home away from home." He is still trying to figure out a way to take it off our taxes as a second home. Here are some pictures of the kids at open skate. I hope everyone have a fun and safe holiday season!Shawn, Heather, Alex and Jordyn
Wedding has been
the wedding has been postpon for awhil. as soon he get done selling his company he will be home to get me and the boys.but i will be married to brian zeltner as soon he gets done down there. thank you for offereing your best wishs for us.teresa m. thillen
Monday, December 3, 2007
Christmas Greetings
wishing you all a marry christmas and a happy new year. wish you all could share my happines.teresa , brian , douglas, erik and john
Bolin Family News

Bolin Family News:
It has been awhile since we have updated our blog, so I willpost something on the family website. Austin and Logan areboth having a great time in school and in hockey. Gavin ishaving fun going to his Little Learners class and Ian isjust brought all over the place. Ian is 9 months old now,and he has been standing on his own for a month now. Hewants to eat everything in sight, but he has no teeth.
We have been real busy with school, hockey, and work. Weare looking foward to the Christmas season. It will begetting real hectic soon, as all of my boys (including Dean)will have their birthdays in the next couple months. We arealso in the process of finishing our basement, so it will betwice the room!
The pictures are of Gavin in our boat that Dean bought thissummer, he was all tuckered out after a day of fishing.
The second picture is of Logan at the ER, after gettingstitches. He fell on a bike at the pumpkin patch and splithis chin open. Believe it or not, this was our first set ofstitches for any of our kids.
This is a picture of Dean's new boat. He worked real hardto get it and he loves taking the boys out in it.
This is a picture of Austin and Gavin playing in the kitchenon a bike. Sounds like a bad combination to me!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Ken & Mary's week end
Greeting to all,
Ken and I took off Fri about 4 pm and drove to Chicago to see Brian and Sarah. We heard there was a snowstorm coming, so we figured we should get out of town. The drive over was fine, and coming home we drove thru rain, sleet and a few snow flurries, but we got home safe. We spend Sat morning downtown Chicago, went to the Christkindlmarket in Daley Plaza. If anyone wants to see what it is check out the website . Then we went to Macy's to see some of the decos (when Brian got cold). It was lots warmer in Chicago then it is here. Then we spent time in their condo, just helping them do some things. They had some of the floors done, and is getting the rest of them done this week. Brian is going to Boston Mon afternoon for training. So he was working hard getting some walls painted, and furniture moved around. Anyway we had a great week end. And another website they some of you might want to check out is (I think that is what it is) it's a cute site, especially if you have younger children who believe. I hope all of you have a great week.
Ken and I took off Fri about 4 pm and drove to Chicago to see Brian and Sarah. We heard there was a snowstorm coming, so we figured we should get out of town. The drive over was fine, and coming home we drove thru rain, sleet and a few snow flurries, but we got home safe. We spend Sat morning downtown Chicago, went to the Christkindlmarket in Daley Plaza. If anyone wants to see what it is check out the website . Then we went to Macy's to see some of the decos (when Brian got cold). It was lots warmer in Chicago then it is here. Then we spent time in their condo, just helping them do some things. They had some of the floors done, and is getting the rest of them done this week. Brian is going to Boston Mon afternoon for training. So he was working hard getting some walls painted, and furniture moved around. Anyway we had a great week end. And another website they some of you might want to check out is (I think that is what it is) it's a cute site, especially if you have younger children who believe. I hope all of you have a great week.
Theresa says
eragon dragon to me show details 6:50 PM (23 hours ago) Reply
well no one don't have to worrie about me any more i will never be on this famliy site ever again. since no one really care about me or me getting married or about me being happey in my life. i went through 20yrs of hell but you guys dont care about that. goodby
well no one don't have to worrie about me any more i will never be on this famliy site ever again. since no one really care about me or me getting married or about me being happey in my life. i went through 20yrs of hell but you guys dont care about that. goodby
Angela's news

Hello Aunties,
Someone asked for some news other than Teresa's, so could you please post the below and the two attached pictures for us? Thanks!
Many of you are frequent visitors to Savannah's carepages, so some of you may already be aware of our good news. This past Wednesday, Savannah had an echocardiogram done which proved that her heart is quite the strong little ticker with no problems, and her pulmonologist, who has been following her progress since before her surgery in August, has dismissed her from his care, stating that she looks great and is now "normal." Savannah showed us weeks ago that she didn't need the oxygen by keeping her saturations up, so we haven't had the need to use it. We also took her off the monitor that measured her saturations, which proved to be harder on us than on her. It's been very good news for us to be given medical clearance from her most skeptical and cautious doctor. American Home Patient will be picking up all their equipment next Tuesday. We're at the end of my parental leave. I'll be going back to work on the 5th and looking forward to Christmas. Hope everyone survives the weekend winter storms!
Love to all, Angie
Thursday, November 29, 2007
I do not live with my mother
eragon dragon to me show details 4:17 PM (4 hours ago) Reply
i do not live with my mother. so if you want to mail me a christmas card send it to me. okay.teresa m. thillen
i do not live with my mother. so if you want to mail me a christmas card send it to me. okay.teresa m. thillen
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Teresa says
eragon dragon to me show details 1:03 PM (5 hours ago) Reply
i did not say that harris fine art & carfts limted was in washington. for everone info. there is a brian zeltner becouse it comes up on my cellphone as his name on it. and for his comany that was ether his exwife's family name or his mother's last name. it is listed in U.K ,ASIA AND IN SOUTH AFRICA.
i did not say that harris fine art & carfts limted was in washington. for everone info. there is a brian zeltner becouse it comes up on my cellphone as his name on it. and for his comany that was ether his exwife's family name or his mother's last name. it is listed in U.K ,ASIA AND IN SOUTH AFRICA.
Monday, November 19, 2007
how to get info to the blog
greetings family
just a reminder that if you want things/information posted on the blog please send it to
that way it comes up on my home page and I know that there is info out there to be posted
Thanks and have a great day!!!!!!!!!
just a reminder that if you want things/information posted on the blog please send it to
that way it comes up on my home page and I know that there is info out there to be posted
Thanks and have a great day!!!!!!!!!
Teresa says
ann my email is and it is right.teresa m. thillen
October 13, 2007
Anonymous said...
i meet him on line. we are going to get married in dec. the date has not been set yet. but it will beheld in krikland washington. the is his home town. we will be moving there very soon. he is comming home on nov.2nd to get me and the kids and we are moving there to live. so when the date is set i will tell everone on here.teresa m. thillen
October 13, 2007
Anonymous said...
i meet him on line. we are going to get married in dec. the date has not been set yet. but it will beheld in krikland washington. the is his home town. we will be moving there very soon. he is comming home on nov.2nd to get me and the kids and we are moving there to live. so when the date is set i will tell everone on here.teresa m. thillen
Teresa's wedding
Anonymous said...
well wedding date has been set for me and brian zeltner wedding date has been set for December 22nd. you all will be getting a card saying when it is. the wedding will be held in kirkland washington. i also need bridemaids to wo if any of the girls want to be my bridemaids plz get hold of me as soon as posble plz. i need a flowergirl to so if you know any one plz get hold of me. or any of the girls littleones can do it plz let me know to okay.teresa M thillen
well wedding date has been set for me and brian zeltner wedding date has been set for December 22nd. you all will be getting a card saying when it is. the wedding will be held in kirkland washington. i also need bridemaids to wo if any of the girls want to be my bridemaids plz get hold of me as soon as posble plz. i need a flowergirl to so if you know any one plz get hold of me. or any of the girls littleones can do it plz let me know to okay.teresa M thillen
Friday, November 2, 2007
something not to laugh at
The following was written by Ben Stein and recited by him on CBS Sunday Morning Commentary:
I am a Jew, and every single one of my ancestors was Jewish. And it does not bother me even a little bit when people call those beautiful lit up, bejeweled trees Christmas trees. I don't feel threatened. I don't feel discriminated against. That's what they are: Christmas trees.
It doesn't bother me a bit when people say, "Merry Christmas" to me. I don't think they are slighting me or getting ready to put me in a ghetto. In fact, I kind of like it. It shows that we are all brothers and sisters celebrating this happy time of year. It doesn't bother me at all that there is a manger scene on display at a key intersection near my beach house in Malibu If people want a creche, it's just as fine with me as is the Menorah a few hundred yards away.
I don't like getting pushed around for being a Jew, and I don't think Christians like getting pushed around for being Christians. I think people who believe in God are sick and tired of getting pushed around, period. I have no idea where the concept came from that America is an explicitly atheist country. I can't find it in the Constitution, and I don't like it be ing shoved down my throat.
Or maybe I can put it another way: where did the idea come from that we should worship Nick and Jessica and we aren't allowed to worship God as we understand Him?
I guess that's a sign that I'm getting old, too. But there are a lot of us who are wondering where Nick and Jessica came from and where the America we knew went to.
In light of the many jokes we send to one another for a laugh, this is a little different: This is not intended to be a joke; it's not funny, it's intended to get you thinking.
Billy Graham's daughter was interviewed on the Early Show and Jane Clayson asked her "How could God let something like this Happen?" (regarding Katrina)
Anne Graham gave an extremely profound and insightful response. She said, "I believe God is deeply saddened by this, just as we are, but for years we've been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives.
And being the gentleman He is, I believe He has calmly backed out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand He leave us alone?"
In light of recent events...terrorists attack, school shootings, etc. I think it started when Madeleine Murray O'Hare (she was murdered, her body found recently) complained she didn't want prayer in our schools, and we said OK.
Then someone said you better not read the Bible in school. The Bible says thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, and love your neighbor as yourself. And we said OK.
Then Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our children when they misbehave because their little personalities would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem (Dr. Spock's son committed suicide). We said an expert should know what he's talking about and we said OK.
Now we're asking ourselves why our children have no conscience, why they don't know right from wrong, and why it doesn't bother them to kill strangers, their classmates, and themselves.
Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough, we can figure it out. I think it has a great deal to do with "WE REAP WHAT WE SOW."
Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world's going to hell.
Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but question what the Bible says.
Funny how you can send 'jokes' through e-mail and they spread like wildfire but when you start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing.
Funny how lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene articles pass freely through cyberspace, but public discussion of God is suppressed in the school and workplace.
Are you laughing?
Funny how when you forward this message, you will not send it to many on your address list because you're not sure what they believe, or what they will think of you for sending it.
Funny how we can be more worried about what other people think of us than what God thinks of us.
Pass it on if you think it has merit. If not then just discard it... no one will know you did. But, if you discard this thought process, don't sit back and complain about what bad shape the world is in.
I am a Jew, and every single one of my ancestors was Jewish. And it does not bother me even a little bit when people call those beautiful lit up, bejeweled trees Christmas trees. I don't feel threatened. I don't feel discriminated against. That's what they are: Christmas trees.
It doesn't bother me a bit when people say, "Merry Christmas" to me. I don't think they are slighting me or getting ready to put me in a ghetto. In fact, I kind of like it. It shows that we are all brothers and sisters celebrating this happy time of year. It doesn't bother me at all that there is a manger scene on display at a key intersection near my beach house in Malibu If people want a creche, it's just as fine with me as is the Menorah a few hundred yards away.
I don't like getting pushed around for being a Jew, and I don't think Christians like getting pushed around for being Christians. I think people who believe in God are sick and tired of getting pushed around, period. I have no idea where the concept came from that America is an explicitly atheist country. I can't find it in the Constitution, and I don't like it be ing shoved down my throat.
Or maybe I can put it another way: where did the idea come from that we should worship Nick and Jessica and we aren't allowed to worship God as we understand Him?
I guess that's a sign that I'm getting old, too. But there are a lot of us who are wondering where Nick and Jessica came from and where the America we knew went to.
In light of the many jokes we send to one another for a laugh, this is a little different: This is not intended to be a joke; it's not funny, it's intended to get you thinking.
Billy Graham's daughter was interviewed on the Early Show and Jane Clayson asked her "How could God let something like this Happen?" (regarding Katrina)
Anne Graham gave an extremely profound and insightful response. She said, "I believe God is deeply saddened by this, just as we are, but for years we've been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives.
And being the gentleman He is, I believe He has calmly backed out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand He leave us alone?"
In light of recent events...terrorists attack, school shootings, etc. I think it started when Madeleine Murray O'Hare (she was murdered, her body found recently) complained she didn't want prayer in our schools, and we said OK.
Then someone said you better not read the Bible in school. The Bible says thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, and love your neighbor as yourself. And we said OK.
Then Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our children when they misbehave because their little personalities would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem (Dr. Spock's son committed suicide). We said an expert should know what he's talking about and we said OK.
Now we're asking ourselves why our children have no conscience, why they don't know right from wrong, and why it doesn't bother them to kill strangers, their classmates, and themselves.
Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough, we can figure it out. I think it has a great deal to do with "WE REAP WHAT WE SOW."
Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world's going to hell.
Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but question what the Bible says.
Funny how you can send 'jokes' through e-mail and they spread like wildfire but when you start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing.
Funny how lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene articles pass freely through cyberspace, but public discussion of God is suppressed in the school and workplace.
Are you laughing?
Funny how when you forward this message, you will not send it to many on your address list because you're not sure what they believe, or what they will think of you for sending it.
Funny how we can be more worried about what other people think of us than what God thinks of us.
Pass it on if you think it has merit. If not then just discard it... no one will know you did. But, if you discard this thought process, don't sit back and complain about what bad shape the world is in.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
hi to all
Just a note to everyone, Roger and I decided to go to Moorhead this weekend. Wanted to let everyone know in case they tried to call. I thought it easiest to just put it on the blog. Love to all Ann
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
-----I am sending this to you to see how many actually read their e-mail. Your response will be interesting. Pay attention to what you read. After you have finished reading it, you will know the reason it was sent to you. Here goes:p People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person.When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real. But only for a season. LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant. Thank you for being a part of my life, whether you were a reason, a season or a lifetime. Send this to every friend that you have on-line, including the person who sent it to you.0 Replies - you may need to work on your 'people skills' 2 Replies - you are nice but probably need to be more outgoing 4 Replies - you have picked your friends well6 Replies - you are downright popular8 Replies or More - you are totally awesome (and that's probably why you're on MY list) I wonder what mine will be. GUARDIAN ANGEL Forward this message the same day you received it It may sound ridiculous, but it is right on time We believe that something is about to happen. Angels exist, only sometimes they haven't got wings and we call them friends; you are one of them. Something wonderful is about to happen to you and your friends. Tomorrow at 11:04 PM somebody will address you and tell you something you have been waiting to hear. Please do not break it. Send it to at least 7 of your friends
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Teresa says
will my frist boyfriend has broken up with me i do not know why. so know i am talking to a black man thats wants me to be his wife. he own HARRIS FINE ARTS & CRAFTS LIMITED. so i thought to let everone know that. becouse he wanted me to tell you all that. if you want to know more about him you can email at to hear from you all.teresa m. thillen
October 04, 2007
October 04, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Angels watching over us

Just to let everyone know all the prayers sent up for Savannah must be working for us all!
Ryan was in an accident last night(Sunday 9/23), he had Liz's Victoria with him. By the grace of God they are both fine. They were taken to St. Marys and checked out, and Victoria isn't happy about her collar that she will wear for another day. I did not see the van that hit them, but was told when Roger got there, they were tipping it back up, it was on the roof. We don't know anything about how many or who was in the van. Ryans car was totaled, and I would think the van is too. Ryan's glasses were found in the southwest ditch, while the windshield was in the northwest ditch. Victoria's backpack was in the culvert. Ryan was glad to find his fishing pole on the highway in one piece! It was a true miracle that they are only sore today. Lets not forget to keep praying!!
Ryan was in an accident last night(Sunday 9/23), he had Liz's Victoria with him. By the grace of God they are both fine. They were taken to St. Marys and checked out, and Victoria isn't happy about her collar that she will wear for another day. I did not see the van that hit them, but was told when Roger got there, they were tipping it back up, it was on the roof. We don't know anything about how many or who was in the van. Ryans car was totaled, and I would think the van is too. Ryan's glasses were found in the southwest ditch, while the windshield was in the northwest ditch. Victoria's backpack was in the culvert. Ryan was glad to find his fishing pole on the highway in one piece! It was a true miracle that they are only sore today. Lets not forget to keep praying!!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Aloha 'ohana
Aloha 'ohana (family)
by the greeting most of you realize that Ken and I went to the state of Hawaii this past week, to the island of Oahu. We flew out Sat, Sept 15, and returned Sat, Sept 22. It was a fun week, and went by quickly. We didn't have a chance to see all the tourist attractions, but we did see some of them. We went for a convention thru the clinic, so did have to spend a little time at the Convention Center. We stayed at a hotel that was right on the beach, so really enjoyed spending time on the beach and walking the beach front. And there are tons of Waikiki shopping centers, and small shops along the streets of Waikiki Beach. We went to the Foster Botanical Garden on Mon, and to Chinatown to buy apple bananas (since we heard about them on the tours at the gardens) to Diamond Head on Tues morning, spent Wed on a bus tour of the island, and Thurs went to Hanauma Bay (which is great for snorkeling, but the weather wasn't the greatest for snorkeling, so we didn't do that), but the beach was really great there, and it was interesting to learn about the marine life. Writing it down doesn't seem like much, but we were busy all the days, did lots of walking, and of course we did spend some time by the ocean, and in it. When we did the bus tours of the island, the water color was fabulous along the North Shore, and the views were awesome! We put just a couple pictures up, and maybe we will add more in the next few days. The time in Hawaii is 5 hours behind Minnesota time, so Ken and I were always tired and feeling ready for bed by 7/8 every evening, and up early. But even when we got up early and headed out, the beaches and shops were already busy. It was amazing to see how many surfers were out at 6:30 AM. And now tomorrow we are both back to work, vacation was nice, just too short.
by the greeting most of you realize that Ken and I went to the state of Hawaii this past week, to the island of Oahu. We flew out Sat, Sept 15, and returned Sat, Sept 22. It was a fun week, and went by quickly. We didn't have a chance to see all the tourist attractions, but we did see some of them. We went for a convention thru the clinic, so did have to spend a little time at the Convention Center. We stayed at a hotel that was right on the beach, so really enjoyed spending time on the beach and walking the beach front. And there are tons of Waikiki shopping centers, and small shops along the streets of Waikiki Beach. We went to the Foster Botanical Garden on Mon, and to Chinatown to buy apple bananas (since we heard about them on the tours at the gardens) to Diamond Head on Tues morning, spent Wed on a bus tour of the island, and Thurs went to Hanauma Bay (which is great for snorkeling, but the weather wasn't the greatest for snorkeling, so we didn't do that), but the beach was really great there, and it was interesting to learn about the marine life. Writing it down doesn't seem like much, but we were busy all the days, did lots of walking, and of course we did spend some time by the ocean, and in it. When we did the bus tours of the island, the water color was fabulous along the North Shore, and the views were awesome! We put just a couple pictures up, and maybe we will add more in the next few days. The time in Hawaii is 5 hours behind Minnesota time, so Ken and I were always tired and feeling ready for bed by 7/8 every evening, and up early. But even when we got up early and headed out, the beaches and shops were already busy. It was amazing to see how many surfers were out at 6:30 AM. And now tomorrow we are both back to work, vacation was nice, just too short.
a hui hou (meaning until meeting again or see you later)
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Ann's working vacation
I had a working vacation to Laughlin, Nevada! Elaine and I left Thursday, September 13 and came home today - Sunday, the 16th. We had a great time, except I'm to stingy to gamble much. I took $60 for gambling, lost 20 within the first 15 minutes of being there, so had to play it safe with the rest - lost 20 more the next day! Spent the next 10 on a pair of clearance pants (at least had something!) So, my last $10 went into a machine, when I had it up to $27, I cashed it out, then thought maybe I shouldn't have, so put in another 4 - gone!
So much for me being a big spender!! Anyway, it was work but had a nice time - all expenses paid and away from the office and home! Hot compared to home - 112 when we stepped off the plane in Laughlin, 68 when we stepped off in Rochester.
So much for me being a big spender!! Anyway, it was work but had a nice time - all expenses paid and away from the office and home! Hot compared to home - 112 when we stepped off the plane in Laughlin, 68 when we stepped off in Rochester.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Update – as of 12:30pm today (8-29) Erick and I “officially” joined the ranks as new home owners. Yeah!! Closing went well – although my hand really hurts from all the signatures. There must have been 80 apiece. We will be moving some items over the next two weekends and will have the movers here for all the big furniture items and such on September 12th for our official move in day. It is our hope that we will be able to have a house warming/open house event by the end of the year. Please know that each and every one of you will be welcome to visit.
Monday, August 13, 2007
A fun week end in Chicage
Hello to all
just want to say Hi. Ken and I spent the week end in Chicago to see Brian and Sarah. We did lots of walking. Kim, we walked the magnificent mile, of course, we had to walk 3 miles to get to the mile. Brian was too tired to walk back, so we had to take the train back to his place. On Sat morning we went to the beach, always a necessity if the weather is nice. The dogs really enjoy running along the beach and getting their swim in. Hope everyone else had a great week end.
just want to say Hi. Ken and I spent the week end in Chicago to see Brian and Sarah. We did lots of walking. Kim, we walked the magnificent mile, of course, we had to walk 3 miles to get to the mile. Brian was too tired to walk back, so we had to take the train back to his place. On Sat morning we went to the beach, always a necessity if the weather is nice. The dogs really enjoy running along the beach and getting their swim in. Hope everyone else had a great week end.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Little Savannah had her surgery yesterday and everything went very well! It turned out to be a diaphragmatic hernia, so surgeons went through her belly, had to bring down the loop of small intestine and part of her liver that had crept through the hole in her diaphragm and squished her right lung. The hole was repaired, and Savannah's belly looks a bit distended due to swelling and the rearranging of her intestines to prevent further growth problems with them.
Both the doctor and the surgeons were confident that Savannah would be moving forward in no time at all, and the NICU doctor has been extremely impressed with Savannah for treading water so successfully all this time as she grew for surgery, and feels that she'll be very healthy when she comes home with us.
We're hopeful this will only be about another six weeks - but we'll have to wait and see, pray for no further problems, and keep our faith.
Both the doctor and the surgeons were confident that Savannah would be moving forward in no time at all, and the NICU doctor has been extremely impressed with Savannah for treading water so successfully all this time as she grew for surgery, and feels that she'll be very healthy when she comes home with us.
We're hopeful this will only be about another six weeks - but we'll have to wait and see, pray for no further problems, and keep our faith.
Thanks Ann for all your good thoughts. Erick and I are fine and we have checked on all our friends who live in the area. All are ok. The scariest moment came when talking with Gretchen and knowing she takes the bridge twice a day. She had just been on the bridge ½ hour before the collapse.
Kimberly Hofer
Kimberly Hofer
Saturday, July 28, 2007
New Home
Hi there – I hope this is the right process in going about getting something on the website as I have yet to figure out how else to do anything. As most of you learned at the family reunion – Erick and I have finally begun the process of hunting for a new home. After looking at several less than exciting places we have found one. We made an offer Thursday afternoon and by Thursday night it was accepted and we owned our very first.
The home is in Coon Rapids and is a 4 bedroom/2 bath 1 ½ story. The home came from an estate sale and the same family had owned it their whole life. The basement is unfinished – which we loved – and Erick is already planning the in home studio. It will be tough to keep him on budget. We have a corner lot – lots of yard space but thankfully no sidewalk shoveling as there are none. The backyard is fenced in and I am already thinking where the new garden spot will go next year. We are set to close on August 29th and would plan to move in during the month of September (we have the apartment until Sept. 30).
I will try to remember to bring some pictures from the\nwebsite this next weekend
I will try to remember to bring some pictures from the website this next weekend. See you all soon.
The home is in Coon Rapids and is a 4 bedroom/2 bath 1 ½ story. The home came from an estate sale and the same family had owned it their whole life. The basement is unfinished – which we loved – and Erick is already planning the in home studio. It will be tough to keep him on budget. We have a corner lot – lots of yard space but thankfully no sidewalk shoveling as there are none. The backyard is fenced in and I am already thinking where the new garden spot will go next year. We are set to close on August 29th and would plan to move in during the month of September (we have the apartment until Sept. 30).
I will try to remember to bring some pictures from the\nwebsite this next weekend
I will try to remember to bring some pictures from the website this next weekend. See you all soon.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Hello Everyone

Hello Everyone,Well we made it home. It was a wonderful vacation andwe had a lot of fun. The first day we were there wehad a yearling bull moose run across the road in frontof our vehicle. They really grow their moose big upthere. They usually stand about seven feet tall atthe shoulders. We also was a cow moose and her calfseveral times while we were there. They actually wereeating in the back yard of the house we were stayingat. I got some really cute pictures of the littleone. We went halibut fishing on the ocean twice whilewe were there. The largest halibut we caught wasaround 90 pounds. I am sending you a picture of Bobholding one that weighted a little less than that. Weall caught halibut, and I must tell you that they area real challenge to pull in. Bob helped pull in the90 pounder. He had to haul it up twice off thebottom. The first time he got it to the surface itdecided to go back down.The scenery is breathtaking up there. On one of oursight seeing expeditions we got to see mountain goats. We also got to hike up to the Exit Glacier. I wasamazed at how blue the ice is in it.We went salmon fishing on the Kenai River a couple oftimes and were fortunate enough to see several baldeagles along the banks of the river. Bob didn't catchany King salmon, but he did catch a really nicerainbow (about 20 inches) and some Dolly Vardins. Oneof the people in his boat did get lucky enough tocatch a 50 pound king. The salmon were not runningwhen we were up there. It was a couple of weeks tooearly. Bob says that he will have to go back now sohe can catch a King.Bob just talked to our friend and his son told himthat after we left someone caught a 358 pound halibutout of the same port that we put out of. Evidentiallythe big boys finally showed up.Bob and Julie
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Message to Teresa
Hi Teresa
I see you have left a couple of comments about your new boyfriend and his son.
If you would like to write anything about them, send it to
and then it will be posted on the blog----just alittle easier than everyone going to
the comments. That way you can tell us all at one time how things are going for you.
Sorry you missed the reunion. Take care and have a great day. If you (or anyone)
want to send anything directly to me, my email is
Love Ann
I see you have left a couple of comments about your new boyfriend and his son.
If you would like to write anything about them, send it to
and then it will be posted on the blog----just alittle easier than everyone going to
the comments. That way you can tell us all at one time how things are going for you.
Sorry you missed the reunion. Take care and have a great day. If you (or anyone)
want to send anything directly to me, my email is
Love Ann
Monday, July 2, 2007
Family picnic
Thanks everyone for making yesterday special. I hope everyone had as good a time as I did. I hear next year we should have chicken, isn't that right Alan? I am hoping everyone is in agreement to try to make this an annual event. It sure was great to have Sharon, Jennifer, and Jody come. Maybe more of Larry's family will make it next time(and Bob's too). Mary, do you have some pictures to post? Hope to see pictures from Bob and Julie's vacation to when they are able. Love to all, hope to see a good share of you at the baby shower for Angela and Savannah.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
We hope that you all have a great time at the reunion today. We are sorry that we had to miss it. We will send you some pictures when we get back on the10th. The salmon are starting to run so hopefully Bob can hook into a nice sized king. Bob and Julie
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Ann says
Liz made the trip to Milaca with the kids to camp with Matthew - Matt has been working up there since May. They were going on a charter boat to fish, haven't heard if they had any luck. Mark and Nicholas went camping over in Winona for the weekend. Roger and I worked hard starting to bring home our winter supply of wood, pretty productive, huh?
Monday, June 18, 2007
Hayes Family Reunion
Greetings to one and all,
I hope you all have plans on being in Stewartville on Saturday, June 30. We will be grilling and hope to start eating about 11:30 to 12 noon. If any of you have lost your info or need directions, hopefully this will answer some of your questions. The reunion will be at Meadow Park in Stewartville. Ken and I stopped there a couple weeks ago, and it looks like a really nice park, with lots of things to do. There is a sand box, if you have shovels or pails that you would like to bring for the little ones. There are lots of grassy areas for balls, or games, and playground equipment. The directions to get to the park is as follows; if you are traveling from the north and heading south on Highway 63, you will turn left on 6th ST NE, right after the bridge going into Stewartville. And if you traveling north coming from the south, you will turn right on 6th ST NE just before the bridge as you are heading out of Stewartville. After you turn onto 6th ST NE, just follow the signs for MeadowPark North, which is a left turn heading north again. It is a windy, gravel road into the park. WE WILL SEE YOU ALL THERE.
I hope you all have plans on being in Stewartville on Saturday, June 30. We will be grilling and hope to start eating about 11:30 to 12 noon. If any of you have lost your info or need directions, hopefully this will answer some of your questions. The reunion will be at Meadow Park in Stewartville. Ken and I stopped there a couple weeks ago, and it looks like a really nice park, with lots of things to do. There is a sand box, if you have shovels or pails that you would like to bring for the little ones. There are lots of grassy areas for balls, or games, and playground equipment. The directions to get to the park is as follows; if you are traveling from the north and heading south on Highway 63, you will turn left on 6th ST NE, right after the bridge going into Stewartville. And if you traveling north coming from the south, you will turn right on 6th ST NE just before the bridge as you are heading out of Stewartville. After you turn onto 6th ST NE, just follow the signs for MeadowPark North, which is a left turn heading north again. It is a windy, gravel road into the park. WE WILL SEE YOU ALL THERE.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Just wanted to wish all you dads out there a great day. Enjoy the day and hope you all have a great time with your kids. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!!
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Storm hits home
Michelle and Spencer came home to quite a surprise Thursday afternoon (June 7,2007). A big branch had fallen on their home!!! I think Zach thought it was kind of neat. Michelle wasn't real thrilled about it, she had lots of other things to take care and making lots of phone calls to insurance, public utilities and whatever else was needed wasn't in her plans. But Spencer had fun playing with the chain saw. But thankfully no real damage was done, and no windows broke.
Savannah's web site & Angela's news
Thanks for posting our picture, Aunt Mary! For anyone not looking, yep, there's FOUR of us there. Down in the lower right, that little tiny peanut with the tubes, is Savannah :) This is the first time I was able to hold her outside her incubator.
She's doing extremely well, and if you'd like more progress and/or view more pictures, you're welcome to visit her Care Page (provided by the hospital, kept up by Deron and I) - You'll have to register (it's free), and then the page you want is called Savannah521.
~ Bob, Julie, Jimmy - It's a shame you can't make it to the reunion, but I hope you'll have a great time in Alaska! The salmon and halibut won't know what hit them!
~ Shawn, you've been in my prayers and will continue to be there, as is the rest of your family. I hope you're recovering nicely.
~ Matt & Liz - Sorry we couldn't make it to your reception (work issues). I hope it went well! Mom said she had fun :o) You're two very special people with a lot of love for one another. May it grow and blossom through the years and provide you with many happy moments to cherish and remember on your front porch when you're ancient *wink*
Ernie ~ Dang, nice turkey!! We've got pheasant that run through our backyard occasionally :o)
I hope everyone in the family is doing well. We'll be at the reunion, although I'm not sure if we'll be late or leave early, due to seeing Savannah at the hospital. See you there!!
She's doing extremely well, and if you'd like more progress and/or view more pictures, you're welcome to visit her Care Page (provided by the hospital, kept up by Deron and I) - You'll have to register (it's free), and then the page you want is called Savannah521.
~ Bob, Julie, Jimmy - It's a shame you can't make it to the reunion, but I hope you'll have a great time in Alaska! The salmon and halibut won't know what hit them!
~ Shawn, you've been in my prayers and will continue to be there, as is the rest of your family. I hope you're recovering nicely.
~ Matt & Liz - Sorry we couldn't make it to your reception (work issues). I hope it went well! Mom said she had fun :o) You're two very special people with a lot of love for one another. May it grow and blossom through the years and provide you with many happy moments to cherish and remember on your front porch when you're ancient *wink*
Ernie ~ Dang, nice turkey!! We've got pheasant that run through our backyard occasionally :o)
I hope everyone in the family is doing well. We'll be at the reunion, although I'm not sure if we'll be late or leave early, due to seeing Savannah at the hospital. See you there!!
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
FYI for the family reunion
Just a note to keep everyone up to date about the family reunion.
Linda, Mary and Ann will be providing brats, burgers, buns, plastic ware, plates, cups and a crystal lite type drink.
Some ideas for pot luck foods would be salads (potato, macaroni, lettuce), raw veggies, fresh fruits, deviled eggs, chips, and dessert ideas....cookies, bars, cake.
If you know what you will bring, please respond in the comments area, so we don't end up with a dozen potato salads, and NO DESSERTS!!!! Thanks to all, and lets all hope for nice weather. See everyone the last Sat in June.
Linda, Mary and Ann will be providing brats, burgers, buns, plastic ware, plates, cups and a crystal lite type drink.
Some ideas for pot luck foods would be salads (potato, macaroni, lettuce), raw veggies, fresh fruits, deviled eggs, chips, and dessert ideas....cookies, bars, cake.
If you know what you will bring, please respond in the comments area, so we don't end up with a dozen potato salads, and NO DESSERTS!!!! Thanks to all, and lets all hope for nice weather. See everyone the last Sat in June.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
news from Ann
hi everyone
Happy memorial weekend to everyone. I have been trying to figure out how to send pictures to the blog but have not had any luck. We are glad to have the wedding reception over with and the way today has been, we are glad it wasn't schedule for today!! More rain!! We are thankful for the rain though. Roger and I went to the cemetary, a birthday party, and then stopped at Virginia's last night. The cemetary was being mowed for this weekend and looked very nice. Virginia and Carl planned to get flowers to put in the pot this morning -- I told her to get ones that would match the wreath we put out there!!!! She knew I was kidding. My garden is coming along, I'll have to replant the beans as very few came up. It will be nice when the tomatoes are ready. We have been eating lettuce, and few radishes. Roger found a few strawberries starting to turn. Maybe we will have some for the reunion!! Hope we will see alot of you June 30th and that we have a sunny warm (not hot) day!!
Love to all
Happy memorial weekend to everyone. I have been trying to figure out how to send pictures to the blog but have not had any luck. We are glad to have the wedding reception over with and the way today has been, we are glad it wasn't schedule for today!! More rain!! We are thankful for the rain though. Roger and I went to the cemetary, a birthday party, and then stopped at Virginia's last night. The cemetary was being mowed for this weekend and looked very nice. Virginia and Carl planned to get flowers to put in the pot this morning -- I told her to get ones that would match the wreath we put out there!!!! She knew I was kidding. My garden is coming along, I'll have to replant the beans as very few came up. It will be nice when the tomatoes are ready. We have been eating lettuce, and few radishes. Roger found a few strawberries starting to turn. Maybe we will have some for the reunion!! Hope we will see alot of you June 30th and that we have a sunny warm (not hot) day!!
Love to all
Friday, May 25, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Welcome Baby
As some of you know we have a new baby to welcome...........check out the news about Savanah on Dean's blog........
Congratulations Angela and Deron, our prayers and thoughts are with you. I hear what she lacks in size she makes up for in stanima.
Love you all
Congratulations Angela and Deron, our prayers and thoughts are with you. I hear what she lacks in size she makes up for in stanima.
Love you all
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Thanks to all, from Ann
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone. Hope all you who were able to attend Matt and Liz's reception had a safe trip home last night. Sorry I couldn't stop the rain!!! I am sure Matt is feeling rotten this morning-----but shouldn't have felt anything last night for as much as he drank!! I've tried to call several times this morning but the phone call gets dropped before it picks up. Hopefully we can get a few picture on the blog for those who were unable to be there. Hope to see all in June for the family reunion!!
Carl's Turkey

From Alan:
Here's a picture of Carl from this morning he shot a turkey and since their computer is down thought I send you a pic of him for the family site. It weighed just under 25 pounds. Carl and Virginia don't know I'm sending it to you so it should be a surprise when they finally get on the site.
blog info
if some of you have been having trouble sending posts please try again........
new info that you want posted please try this address.....
if you send something to this address and you don't see it posted with a day or so, email Mary at her broadband address....
anyone that wants to post their own info.......let me know, and I can have Nancy tell you what to do......
Thanks for all the info
love to all
and have a great day
new info that you want posted please try this address.....
if you send something to this address and you don't see it posted with a day or so, email Mary at her broadband address....
anyone that wants to post their own info.......let me know, and I can have Nancy tell you what to do......
Thanks for all the info
love to all
and have a great day
Saturday, May 19, 2007
News from Gabby and Barb
Hi everyone,
Will see you in a few short hours, but wanted to say that we're glad to hear that everyone in Mary's family is doing good and I hope that Heather doesn't have to seen an emergency again soon! I've been away at a conference in Brainerd since Wednesday, and although I attended a lot of meetings, we did have a good time. During one night's entertainment, we had an Elvis impersonator (sp.) and also had a contest in dressing up in the 50's. Had a poodle skirt, saddle shoes and funky glasses and wouldn't you know that I won the contest and $25 bucks!
Kim and Erick's anniversary is tomorrow, and they are going to spend it at Mystic Lake Casino. It doesn't seem like it's been a year already, but it is!
Not much else to tell now, so will see you soon.
Barb and Gabby
May 19, 2007
Will see you in a few short hours, but wanted to say that we're glad to hear that everyone in Mary's family is doing good and I hope that Heather doesn't have to seen an emergency again soon! I've been away at a conference in Brainerd since Wednesday, and although I attended a lot of meetings, we did have a good time. During one night's entertainment, we had an Elvis impersonator (sp.) and also had a contest in dressing up in the 50's. Had a poodle skirt, saddle shoes and funky glasses and wouldn't you know that I won the contest and $25 bucks!
Kim and Erick's anniversary is tomorrow, and they are going to spend it at Mystic Lake Casino. It doesn't seem like it's been a year already, but it is!
Not much else to tell now, so will see you soon.
Barb and Gabby
May 19, 2007
A new blog to check out!
Hello family,
Since it takes longer to email the pictures than to post them I started aBlog, (t's trendy) hope you will all stop by and check it out, if you have other family member emails could you forward this on? I understand that some of you will never be able to visit because of work and other reasons but don't worry I never hold a grudge longer than a year. Mostly we just plan to post pictures as often as we can in random order as they get edited. Complete with colorful narrations by yours truly. oh and if you do not want your smiling face on the web please let me know as you maybe in some pictures that I have.
The email associated with the blog is
the website is::
visit soon and visit often,I am starting with older pictures mostly around2003, and sooner but there are recent pics shuffled in too!anyway it's 2:15 AM andI need my 5 hours of sleep,
Dean Bolin
Since it takes longer to email the pictures than to post them I started aBlog, (t's trendy) hope you will all stop by and check it out, if you have other family member emails could you forward this on? I understand that some of you will never be able to visit because of work and other reasons but don't worry I never hold a grudge longer than a year. Mostly we just plan to post pictures as often as we can in random order as they get edited. Complete with colorful narrations by yours truly. oh and if you do not want your smiling face on the web please let me know as you maybe in some pictures that I have.
The email associated with the blog is
the website is::
visit soon and visit often,I am starting with older pictures mostly around2003, and sooner but there are recent pics shuffled in too!anyway it's 2:15 AM andI need my 5 hours of sleep,
Dean Bolin
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Mary's family update
Hello everyone,
A quick update on the family.......
Ken and I are doing fine
Michelle, Spencer and family are doing fine........putting up a fence so the kids can play in the yard without Mom yelling at them (Zachary said that)
Nancy, Tim and family are fine.......
Brian and Sarah are doing fine (as far as I know), Brian will be happy with his exam is over this week, then he can enjoy life again until the next one.
Shawn, Heather and family will be ok. Shawn is doing pretty good, getting better and stronger each day. He goes in Fri to have x-rays and stitches out. Hopefully then we will know more. But last night (while we were in Kasson at Shawn's house) Jordyn was playing with a friend/neighbor boy, and she fell into the corner of the living room wall. So Heather made a trip to the ER (with Stacey, the neighbor) and Jordyn needed 3 staples in her head. Heather said she is just getting to know the ER way too well!!!!!
Hopefully this will be the last of Heather visits to the ER........I know that she does not like that place.
Plan on seeing everyone/or most of you on Saturday at Matt & Liz's
love to all
A quick update on the family.......
Ken and I are doing fine
Michelle, Spencer and family are doing fine........putting up a fence so the kids can play in the yard without Mom yelling at them (Zachary said that)
Nancy, Tim and family are fine.......
Brian and Sarah are doing fine (as far as I know), Brian will be happy with his exam is over this week, then he can enjoy life again until the next one.
Shawn, Heather and family will be ok. Shawn is doing pretty good, getting better and stronger each day. He goes in Fri to have x-rays and stitches out. Hopefully then we will know more. But last night (while we were in Kasson at Shawn's house) Jordyn was playing with a friend/neighbor boy, and she fell into the corner of the living room wall. So Heather made a trip to the ER (with Stacey, the neighbor) and Jordyn needed 3 staples in her head. Heather said she is just getting to know the ER way too well!!!!!
Hopefully this will be the last of Heather visits to the ER........I know that she does not like that place.
Plan on seeing everyone/or most of you on Saturday at Matt & Liz's
love to all
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Mother's Day
to all you moms & moms to be.............
enjoy your day, and may all of you have a great day with your child/children or your grandchildren, and if you can't be with your children, hopefully you will still have a great day.
enjoy your day, and may all of you have a great day with your child/children or your grandchildren, and if you can't be with your children, hopefully you will still have a great day.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Friday morning
wanted to let everyone know that early this morning Shawn rolled his work truck. He's currently in the Worthington, MN hospital. We're told he's alert with serious injuries but not life-threatening. Ken and Mary have both taken off already to drive with Heather to Worthington to be with Shawn. Please keep the family in your thoughts today. We'll keep you posted.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Happy Anniversary!
don't know what you have planned, but hope you have a great day........
Happy Anniversay!!!!!!
don't know what you have planned, but hope you have a great day........
Happy Anniversay!!!!!!
Please Contribute!
Hi all,
I don't know about the rest of you, but I really like hearing what Bob and Julie are doing. So maybe they would like to hear what some of us are doing, so come on people and get some posting going. Just a quick note about what you are up to, what you have done, what some of the cousins are up to, how the babies are growing, vacation plans, summer plans, how the garden is growing.........I don't care what you write about. But lets some more news going. Hey, Gabby and Barb, I heard you were in Vegas for a wedding..........
P.S. cousins can also post, it's not just for your parents........
I don't know about the rest of you, but I really like hearing what Bob and Julie are doing. So maybe they would like to hear what some of us are doing, so come on people and get some posting going. Just a quick note about what you are up to, what you have done, what some of the cousins are up to, how the babies are growing, vacation plans, summer plans, how the garden is growing.........I don't care what you write about. But lets some more news going. Hey, Gabby and Barb, I heard you were in Vegas for a wedding..........
P.S. cousins can also post, it's not just for your parents........
Bob's Splack!
Hello again,
I thought I would send you a picture of the "splack"
that Bob caught last spring. He and a friend went up
to one of the small lakes just west of Cheyenne. It
was cold, windy and rainy. About the only fish you
can catch up there are some small rainbows, but they
were bored and thought they would give it a try. Well
Bob hooked onto this big one on about second cast of
the day. He never got another bite. I took a lot of
pictures of it in case he ever wanted to get a
reproduction made. We did go fishing a couple of
weekends ago up at Glendo State Park. We got the boat
on the water at about 5:00 pm and took it out at about
1:30. We didn't get home until around 5:am, that sure
makes a long day. But, it was a really great night
for fishing. We took home 16 walleye between the
three of us ranging in size from 1 to 4 pounds. We
didn't get to go out last weekend because it was
SNOWING, but Bob plans on getting the boat out again
this weekend.
I'll let you know if we catch anything.
Monday, May 7, 2007
Bob says.........(from Julie)

Hello All, I thought that I would send you some pictures of Bob and his hunting dog Abbie. He got her when she was only eight weeks old and trained her to hunt himself. He did get some pointers from a friend of ours that used to train field dogs. Bob is real proud of her and how well she hunts. He started taking her pheasant hunting when she was only four months old, and last fall was the first year she went out on her own without Bob's other dog. Abbie had to track down and catch the second bird that they got the day the one picture was taken. Bob had only wounded it and it flew quite a ways before setting down. Abbie chased it the whole way and caught it just before it tried to fly. She did the same thing with the third bird they got that day. As you can see from some of these picutres Bob really babies her. She likes to sit on his lap and watch TV with him. (He has an 80 pound lap dog.)
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Mary's family

The first picture is one that was taken at Christmas of Ken and myself........just thought I would share it with everyone.
The second picture is Brian and Sarah with Tessie and Millie, Tessie is the one by Sarah, and they have had her for about a year, Millie joined the family after the first of the year. Chicago buildings are in the background, they were looking out at Lake Michigan.
News from Bob and Julie!
Hello All,Bob thought I should email you and let you know aboutthe vacation that we are planning this year. Unfortunately we will miss the reunion this year because we are flying out of Denver on July 1st on ourway to Anchorage. We are going with some friends ofours. They have a son that lives in Kenai Alaska andhe has invited us up to go salmon and halibut fishingthis summer. We will fly into Ancorage on the 1st andhe will pick us up at the airport and drive us down toKenai. We will stay for 10 days flying back on the10th. While we are they he plans on taking us salmonfishing on the Kenai river. The salmon run should bein full swing at the time. He also plans to take ushalibut fishing on his ocean boat. When we aren'tdoing that he plans on taking us on a tour through thenational park. He said that they recently put a newroad in that takes us right through the center of thepark and we should be able get up real close to allthe wildlife. This is Bob's dream vacation and wehave been planning it for several months now. It isthe chance of a lifetime for us and we can't wait forJuly to get here.Sorry we have to miss the reunion. Bob and Julie
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
from Ann
Liz had surgery last Friday April 21, appendicitis, doing fine now. She went home Saturday.
Lucky it happened last week and not the weekend of their reception. Going to Crystals tomorrow, she's having a birthday party for her kids. Kaden is one and Josie is three.
Lucky it happened last week and not the weekend of their reception. Going to Crystals tomorrow, she's having a birthday party for her kids. Kaden is one and Josie is three.
Hayes family reunion
when; Saturday June 30, 2007
where: Meadow Park, Stewartville, MN
come anytime- someone will be at the park by 9 am, so show up early Pot Luck Lunch - eat about 11.30
where: Meadow Park, Stewartville, MN
come anytime- someone will be at the park by 9 am, so show up early Pot Luck Lunch - eat about 11.30
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
from Mary
Mary' family
Hi all family members.............just a quick note to let you know is happening in our family..........
Ken and I went to Chicago a couple weeks ago to Brian and Sarah. We had lots of fun, and did lots of walking...............walking is the prefered method of transportation in Chicago. And we got to meet Brian and Sarah's new addition..........Millie. Yes, they got a second pet. But both dogs are really neat and very well behaved. I do have pictures..........will have to get them posted.
We don't get a chance to see Brian and Sarah as often as we would like, so it is always fun when we do get to see them.
This week end we will have the pleasure of spending some time with Shawn's family. They are spending the week end at a hotel in Warrens WI, so we going to spend Sat afternoon and night there with them. It will be nice to spend some time with Alex and Jordyn. Jordyn and I like to do nails when we are together. When Zachary sees me doing Jordyn's nails he wants his done also. We have gone to a couple of Alex's hockey games for the showcase's fun to watch the team play..........and it reminds of when Brian played, and how much we traveled with him.
Zachary, Dakota and Conrad gets to spend their days with me in child is always a special treat for them when Grandpa Ken is home from work.
I am looking forward to getting out in the yard to clean up the lawn and flowers, but today we are getting SNOW, but hopefully soon.
I would love to see some of the other families get some articles going........and get to be a real family newletter
love to all
Hi all family members.............just a quick note to let you know is happening in our family..........
Ken and I went to Chicago a couple weeks ago to Brian and Sarah. We had lots of fun, and did lots of walking...............walking is the prefered method of transportation in Chicago. And we got to meet Brian and Sarah's new addition..........Millie. Yes, they got a second pet. But both dogs are really neat and very well behaved. I do have pictures..........will have to get them posted.
We don't get a chance to see Brian and Sarah as often as we would like, so it is always fun when we do get to see them.
This week end we will have the pleasure of spending some time with Shawn's family. They are spending the week end at a hotel in Warrens WI, so we going to spend Sat afternoon and night there with them. It will be nice to spend some time with Alex and Jordyn. Jordyn and I like to do nails when we are together. When Zachary sees me doing Jordyn's nails he wants his done also. We have gone to a couple of Alex's hockey games for the showcase's fun to watch the team play..........and it reminds of when Brian played, and how much we traveled with him.
Zachary, Dakota and Conrad gets to spend their days with me in child is always a special treat for them when Grandpa Ken is home from work.
I am looking forward to getting out in the yard to clean up the lawn and flowers, but today we are getting SNOW, but hopefully soon.
I would love to see some of the other families get some articles going........and get to be a real family newletter
love to all
Easter Sunday
Here's Mary and Ann checking email and setting up the Hayes blog. Eventually, we hope to set this up so that any of the Hayes siblings can add their own post, but in the meantime please don't hesitate to send news, or pictures to I'll do my best to get it from the email onto the blog within a few days!
Sunday, April 8, 2007
making the connections
Hi family!
This will be our ongoing family letter to stay connected. We hope to hear from all of you...if you have addresses for any family members, help pass this blog address around. (
For now, if you have any family news to share, please send an email to If you don't have internet access but would like to share news with those that do, call Mary or send a letter snailmail and we'll post it for you! As you read the postings on the blog, feel free to add comments. Do this by clicking on "comments" under the post. Enter your comment in the box, then click "publish". If you choose to sign on under "anonymous" please sign your name in the comments. If you have a google account or other (hotmail, yahoo, etc) you can use that instead.
This will be our ongoing family letter to stay connected. We hope to hear from all of you...if you have addresses for any family members, help pass this blog address around. (
For now, if you have any family news to share, please send an email to If you don't have internet access but would like to share news with those that do, call Mary or send a letter snailmail and we'll post it for you! As you read the postings on the blog, feel free to add comments. Do this by clicking on "comments" under the post. Enter your comment in the box, then click "publish". If you choose to sign on under "anonymous" please sign your name in the comments. If you have a google account or other (hotmail, yahoo, etc) you can use that instead.
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