Bolin Family News:
It has been awhile since we have updated our blog, so I willpost something on the family website. Austin and Logan areboth having a great time in school and in hockey. Gavin ishaving fun going to his Little Learners class and Ian isjust brought all over the place. Ian is 9 months old now,and he has been standing on his own for a month now. Hewants to eat everything in sight, but he has no teeth.
We have been real busy with school, hockey, and work. Weare looking foward to the Christmas season. It will begetting real hectic soon, as all of my boys (including Dean)will have their birthdays in the next couple months. We arealso in the process of finishing our basement, so it will betwice the room!
The pictures are of Gavin in our boat that Dean bought thissummer, he was all tuckered out after a day of fishing.
The second picture is of Logan at the ER, after gettingstitches. He fell on a bike at the pumpkin patch and splithis chin open. Believe it or not, this was our first set ofstitches for any of our kids.
This is a picture of Dean's new boat. He worked real hardto get it and he loves taking the boys out in it.
This is a picture of Austin and Gavin playing in the kitchenon a bike. Sounds like a bad combination to me!
the pictures didn't download in order, or I didn't pull them up in order. But I think everyone should be able to figure out which picture is which. Thanks for the update, it's nice hearing what everyone is doing. Wish more of the cousins would do this.
I may have not put them in correct order, but they are pretty much self-explanatory. We will get a picture of Ian as soon as Dean downloads some.
Thanks for posting it.
Everyone, when I did type this I did use spaces. I am not sure what happened.;)
Great pictures Katie!!
Those boys sure are growing...wait until they are all in school and you have Christmas plays in all the classrooms.. Virginia
loved seeing the pictures
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