Thursday, December 6, 2007

Shawn & Heather family news

It is hard to believe that it is already December. In our house, that doesn't just mean Christmas, it also means we are getting knee deep in to hockey season. Where to begin? I will start with the oldest……Shawn. He has been busy with his officiating. He has been doing youth games and High School games along with being the coordinator for all the officials for Dodge County. As if that isn't enough, he also helps to organize all of the home tournaments. Alex is in his 6th year of hockey and still loving it. He was asked to be on the A team (the highest level), but we are not able to be in town for the 2 out of town tournaments they would be in, so Alex decided to not play on that team. So, now he is excited that he can try to be the "top dog" of the B team! And as if 2 on the ice wasn't enough, Jordyn has decided to start skating this year. She is what is considered a "termite." I am not sure who came up with these names or classifications, but they can be funny sometimes. So, once a week, we take her to the arena to skate around, if you can call what she does skating. As for me, I do the behind the scenes stuff for hockey. I take care of all the registration items for the association, so that keeps me busy the first part of the season. After that, I am the car pooler, snack maker and skate tier when Shawn isn't able to be around. As Shawn puts it, I am a Winter Widow. If anyone finds their way over to Kasson, stop on by the house. I can't guarantee we will be home, but if not I am sure we will be at the arena. Or as Shawn says, "Our home away from home." He is still trying to figure out a way to take it off our taxes as a second home. Here are some pictures of the kids at open skate. I hope everyone have a fun and safe holiday season!Shawn, Heather, Alex and Jordyn


. said...

Sorry Heather
the computer is not co-operating this afternoon....will get the pictures up later

Anonymous said...

no pictures yet, but nice to hear from you and how your family is doing!
Love to you all! Ann