Hello All, I thought that I would send you some pictures of Bob and his hunting dog Abbie. He got her when she was only eight weeks old and trained her to hunt himself. He did get some pointers from a friend of ours that used to train field dogs. Bob is real proud of her and how well she hunts. He started taking her pheasant hunting when she was only four months old, and last fall was the first year she went out on her own without Bob's other dog. Abbie had to track down and catch the second bird that they got the day the one picture was taken. Bob had only wounded it and it flew quite a ways before setting down. Abbie chased it the whole way and caught it just before it tried to fly. She did the same thing with the third bird they got that day. As you can see from some of these picutres Bob really babies her. She likes to sit on his lap and watch TV with him. (He has an 80 pound lap dog.)
Gee, when did we start getting so old and gray looking? But the dog looks good!!!!! Just kidding You look good to Bob!
Hey Uncle Bob and Aunt Julie -
We'll miss you at the family reunion, but I guess you have a great reason to miss it! Sure wish I could join you guys!! Hopefully we will see you next summer for the next reunion.
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