Ken and I went to Alex's first high school hockey game today. He played in the JV game today.

We saw several scenes like this - with alot of players in front of the nets.

Alex, this is now where I want to see your number.....Alex is number "28" and this is the penalty clock. Not a place to see his number.

Game over...........

but a happy ending. When Ken and I got to the arena (on time, but the game started 10 minutes early) the score was guest 3, home 0, not a good way to start a game. But the team started scoring goals, and soon tied the game, went ahead, guest tied, home scored, guest scored, then home scored - no score from guest - home scored again. Finally game over and home team won. Good game.
Zach was scheduled to have his first game today also, but his got cancelled, so have to wait a few more days to see him play.
Congrats to the winning team. Does Austin play on the same team as well?
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