Ann, Linda and I spent the week end at a quilting retreat held at Assisi Heights. I had an awesome, wonderful week end (except for the sore, tight muscle in my left leg, which meant I limped alot, and wasn't able to go on the tour Sat evening)
and I hope Linda and Ann had a great week end also.

As you can see Ann and Linda are busy sewing and cutting.

Also at Assisi Heights this week end was the quilt, craft show, so we went up a floor and wondered around the quilts, booths, and exhibits that were there. I had to take a picture of the gingerbread house (Assisi in gingerbread). It was really cool.

Linda busy on the floor, laying out a project she was working on.

Ann at her machine, sewing away. We had to remind Ann a couple times why she was there. She liked to wonder off and visit and see what everyone was doing - part of the fun - visiting and seeing what everyone was working on. We just had to give her a rough time about it.

On Sunday right after Mass, and lunch, the sisters come down to the room we are in and want a show and tell. Here is Linda showing the table mat she made. I would like to take it away from her - the colors are beautiful!!! It really looks awesome sis.

Ann showing some of the blocks she was working on. These blocks are really pretty also. Unfortunately, Ann had a little trouble and didn't get as much done as she had hoped to. But she is off to a great start. She also was making some other blocks that she didn't show.
As for me, I got a couple tops sewn together, but don't have any pictures of what I did.
Thanks for sharing a great week-end with me.
Oh, Mary! I could have taken pictures of you if you had told me to! I did not even know you took these pictures. We had a great time except for my car not starting when it was time to go home but boosted it off of Linda's car and made it home with no problems. Really tired today at work from lack of sleep over the weekend! So glad we did this retreat and hope to go back in February.
Looks like you all had a great time, and hopefully the next time I might be able to join you. Had other plans, as I knited all day that weekend and started making a little dress - almost finished.
Yep, was a great time. Hope your leg is bette, Mary - I know it hurt a lot. Thanks, Sissies!
It would be great to have you join us Barb! We did have a good time. Amazing the number of people there from Preston and Spring Valley area. Mother and daughter at the next table that you sew with for bundle of love.
Meet a lot of nice women.
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