For those of you that didn't know it, Dale was at Andy's Liquor on Sat, May 29, for their Thank a Vet Day. Dale sat outside talking to people all day (from 11am to 4pm). Andy's liquor had a ASV vehicle at the site Dale where was, they served hot dogs, chips and pop. Ken and I, Linda, Michelle's family
all showed up about the same time....Barb arrived shortly after, so we sat on the grass and had a picnic.
The second picture is Spencer with the children inside the ASV....Zachary didn't want his picture taken. And they had little flags they were suppost to be waving......oh well.
Have a safe Memorial Day
Thanks Dad for everything! I Love You.
Happy Memorial Day.
For some reason my comments aren't showing up again, but will try again. They you Dale and Spencer for serving our country. I looked on KTTC and found the clip so got to see you saluting. Very nice!!
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