Saturday, May 29, 2010

Thank a Vet


For those of you that didn't know it, Dale was at Andy's Liquor on Sat, May 29, for their Thank a Vet Day. Dale sat outside talking to people all day (from 11am to 4pm). Andy's liquor had a ASV vehicle at the site Dale where was, they served hot dogs, chips and pop. Ken and I, Linda, Michelle's family all showed up about the same time....Barb arrived shortly after, so we sat on the grass and had a picnic.
The second picture is Spencer with the children inside the ASV....Zachary didn't want his picture taken. And they had little flags they were suppost to be waving......oh well.
Have a safe Memorial Day

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Boy, this posting is tough. I loaded pictures then could not type. Anyway pictures are of Crystal's house. Moving day went pretty smooth thanks to her friend Derrick borrowing his families enclosed trailer and all his help, plus Dave (coworker and friend) and his daughter Carly helping Crystal sooo much. Mark and Ryan helped with moving the big items and both still got to go fishing yesterday. Roger and I helped move things into the house from the garage and unpack, don't know why we were so tired last night since we did not help with the heavy work. Poor Dave blew a head gasket on his pickup pulling the trailer with the last load. Everyone following thought a tire blew at first except for Ryan. So that is the part that was not good. I am so happy she is right in Riceville now and can park the car for the most part. She is very close to work, babysitter, church, and kids will catch the bus on the other corner for school (her house is on a corner).
Also, we were pleased to attend Crystals commencement from Upper Iowa University on May 8th. She got her diploma earlier this year, unfortunately I forgot my camera so do not have any pictures but there were some taken on her camera. I'll have to see if we can get one on the blog.

Crystal's move

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wyoming News

Evening All.

You may have heard that we had some pretty nasty weather yer yesterday. I think there was a total of four or five tornadoes that were sighted yesterday afternoon. We had tornadoes, hail, wind and heavy rain. Our rain gauge recorded over eight tenths of an inch of rain in a little over an hour. That of course is not counting the hail. We had a pretty good drift of hail that came off the roof. The tornado sirens were just going off as Bob was getting off work yesterday. He took a picture of one of the tornadoes with his cell phone. The other picture was taken with a WYDOT traffic cam.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Week end News

It's Monday morning and back to work!!! Ken and I had a great week end. Sat. morning we went to the Farmer's Market here in town, and brought the last of the garden plants we wanted. Then we went to a do-it-yourself day at Custom Retaining Walls for lunch (free lunch, since it was a open house type day for them, grilled brats, burger, chips, you know, the usual lunch) and demo on how to install a pond. It's going to be lots of work, may have to think about that for a while yet. They had some specials on flowers, so I got a really nice hanging basket on sale. Then it was back home for some yard work, Ken and I worked in the yard for a couple hours...felt like lots more!!!! Michelle and her children stopped about 5ish, and we started a fire in the back yard. The kids really enjoyed that......I'll have to post pictures of the yummy s'mores they made.
On Sunday morning after church, Ken and I headed to Hastings. We were told about a winery there that Ken wanted to see and check out the wines. After joining the wine club, we did some was probably the first time I had dessert wines. One was chocolate!!! The winery was really nice and since they will be having special things going on during the summer, we will probably stop there a couple more times this summer. Then we headed to Eagan to check out a park, very nice park, lots of hiking trails. We only saw a small portion of it, but still we had about an hour walk. The trails are quite primitive, just dirt or grass trails, no paving or mulch. We were able to hike thru forest, pine trees, prairie, grasslands and saw some lakes. It's the type of park Tim and Nancy would enjoy hiking in.
In between we stopped at a couple Walmarts on a mission to find 6" baby dolls for a craft project I have been doing. I finally found some at the Eagan Walmart, so it was a successful day for that. I'll have to post of picture of the project in the next few days.
Finally made it home about 7ish, so it was just sit, relax and off the bed..( so we could get up this morning and go to work).
Hope everyone else had a good week end

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Wyoming News

So, you want to know what has been going on in our little part of the world. Well not a lot of anything lately. Bob has been working a lot of overtime, which includes Saturdays, so we don't have much time on the weekend to do much. The weather has not cooperated at all for him to go fishing on the weekends. Every weekend has been cold and rainy. He did get the boat out today to make sure the engines were running good. He also had to put his new registration stickers on it, and make sure the license plates on the trailer were up to date. That is the worst feeling in the world to get almost to Glendo and wonder if the registration is current on the trailer, or that you forgot to put the new registration sticker on the boat. The weather forecast looks good for next weekend, so hopefully we will be able to get some fishing in on Saturday. As you can see from the pictures, Bob really wants to go fishing!!!

Hope everyone is well.

Bob and Julie

Another Birthday

Happy Birthday to Spencer - on the 26th of May.

May birthdays

Boy, we have a bunch of May birthday wishes to pass around!! First of all Happy Birthday to Mary on the 17th. Then belated wishes to Nancy and Kim's Eric on the 6th. Shawn and Victoria(Patty's daughter) on the 12th. Mike on the 15th. Now on to birthday to come: Little Savannah will be 3 on the 21st, and James birthday is the 22nd. Richard Carney and Teresa will finish up the month on the 29th and 30th. Happy Birthday to all !!
I also wish to send belated Happy Anniversary to Barb and Dale - (it was on the 11) Wow how time flies. And Happy Anniversary to Shawn and Heather on the 23rd.
Hope I did not miss anyone. Congratulations to everyone for making it another year!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Kim's news

Erick and I had a wonderful end of April - a whole week of convention time. No matter what the stresses are to get it done we always love the end result. I am stockpiling many pictures of costumes and such for the next scrapbooking event. Of course, that means my apron project is still laying in the craft room, yet to be finished. I'm really going to try and buckle down and have it done before the family picnic. I need something to show off. I have also been very busy working on the knitting - got a couple friends and coworkers expecting babies. Spent most of the day cleaning out the garden and preping it for the vegetables. I am expecting to plant memorial weekend. Got some flowers finally into the window boxes this afternoon and am trying to finish up the housework before Erick and I head off to a friends college graduation party. Next week is our wedding anniversary - hardly seems possible that 4 years have passed. Not sure what we are planning - probably just a nice quite dinner out.Okay - back to the work.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Hi Everyone,
I haven't seen much news on the blog lately, I'm pretty sure it's not because everyone was out enjoying the nice weather. But hopefully you can use that excuse for the week end. I'm really looking forward to some sunshine and warmer temps.
Last Sat, May 8, I went to a Beyond the Yellow Ribbon event with Michelle, it was a luncheon for wives, mothers and sisters of the military. It was very nice, I really enjoyed it. Michelle and Spencer try to go to all the events with the children. Michelle and I talked to a very nice woman from the Winona area, who has a son in Iraq at this time.
Sunday we went to Kasson to Michelle's house for Mother's was the only full day Spencer was home in 11 days, so she was staying home (which meant she had to invite us there).
On Monday night I went to a child care meeting, the annual Child Care Provider Banquet, and listened to an awesome speaker on how to handle stress. The topic was "If life's a picnic, who invited the ants?", the ants are the stresses in our lives.
Wednesday evening we went to Kasson, Shawn's birthday. He also had his sisters and familys there, so it was nice seeing all of them. Of course, it was just Michelle and the children, since Spencer is away again until Sunday.
Spencer will get home sometime Sun afternoon, then hopefully will be home for a few weeks before he has to go to drill again. I think Michelle has lots of ants when Spencer is gone from home for so many days.
Nancy had a birthday a few days before, Ken was able to spend the evening with her, but I had to work that night. She is starting to get out more with Norrie now. I think they are starting to get a schedule going. Nancy and Tim are back out at the yurt now, so they are enjoying the prairie again.
Ken took today off from work and is doing some yard work, mowed this morning and is now putting weed and feed down, so maybe we will get rid of some of those pretty yellow flowers.
I think the week end will be spend just enjoying it........since I have to work on my birthday, I get the week end to enjoy!!!
If anyone has some extra ice cream pails laying around....or if you know someone who does, I would like to get some. I got a new pattern to make totes covering ice cream should have known that it involved some sewing. It would make an awesome sewing project for another sewing day!!!
Enjoy the week end......
love to all

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Wishing all Moms a Happy Mother's Day! Hope your day is filled with joy and blessings for all that we have in each of our lives.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Emerson's New News

The Emerson's are expecting their third child at the end of this year. It is an exciting time for Deron and Angela. Dylan and Savannah are excited about a baby sister or brother joining them.

Spring Dance Recital

Last Sunday (May2nd) afternoon, Jordyn and Dakota had a dance recital. Jordyn has had recitals before, but this was the first for Dakota. They both did awesome. It is so much fun watching them dance. And both girls liked getting flowers at the end of the recital. As you can see from the pictures Zachary and Connor had different opinions on watching them dance.

Zachary was totally bored.....but he did really like the last dance, it was a lite show. And, I agree, it was pretty awesome.
Connor sat right up and really watched....he is getting so big. Sorry, couldn't figure out how to rotate photo.