Now that Christmas is past and the New Year ahead of us, I hope everyone had a good, happy Christmas. My family was all together the Sun before, and, as usual very hectic, but still great having everyone together. Brian and Sarah got home safely on Christmas Eve day. The rest of us all got the stomach flu, so we have had a couple interesting days, the flu pretty much went thru every family, and Brian took it back to Chicago with him (only he didn't realize where it came from right away). Everyone seems to be feeling better now, so hopefully we will start the New Year off on a better foot.
Happy New Year to all..............and hopefully will hear from some of you soon.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Don't know what it is
If you sent something to post, it is not coming up as a message, it is just coming up as an advertisement for yahoo. So is you have something to post, please send it again.
If you sent something to post, it is not coming up as a message, it is just coming up as an advertisement for yahoo. So is you have something to post, please send it again.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Shawn & Heather family news
It is hard to believe that it is already December. In our house, that doesn't just mean Christmas, it also means we are getting knee deep in to hockey season. Where to begin? I will start with the oldest……Shawn. He has been busy with his officiating. He has been doing youth games and High School games along with being the coordinator for all the officials for Dodge County. As if that isn't enough, he also helps to organize all of the home tournaments. Alex is in his 6th year of hockey and still loving it. He was asked to be on the A team (the highest level), but we are not able to be in town for the 2 out of town tournaments they would be in, so Alex decided to not play on that team. So, now he is excited that he can try to be the "top dog" of the B team! And as if 2 on the ice wasn't enough, Jordyn has decided to start skating this year. She is what is considered a "termite." I am not sure who came up with these names or classifications, but they can be funny sometimes. So, once a week, we take her to the arena to skate around, if you can call what she does skating. As for me, I do the behind the scenes stuff for hockey. I take care of all the registration items for the association, so that keeps me busy the first part of the season. After that, I am the car pooler, snack maker and skate tier when Shawn isn't able to be around. As Shawn puts it, I am a Winter Widow. If anyone finds their way over to Kasson, stop on by the house. I can't guarantee we will be home, but if not I am sure we will be at the arena. Or as Shawn says, "Our home away from home." He is still trying to figure out a way to take it off our taxes as a second home. Here are some pictures of the kids at open skate. I hope everyone have a fun and safe holiday season!Shawn, Heather, Alex and Jordyn
Wedding has been
the wedding has been postpon for awhil. as soon he get done selling his company he will be home to get me and the boys.but i will be married to brian zeltner as soon he gets done down there. thank you for offereing your best wishs for us.teresa m. thillen
Monday, December 3, 2007
Christmas Greetings
wishing you all a marry christmas and a happy new year. wish you all could share my happines.teresa , brian , douglas, erik and john
Bolin Family News

Bolin Family News:
It has been awhile since we have updated our blog, so I willpost something on the family website. Austin and Logan areboth having a great time in school and in hockey. Gavin ishaving fun going to his Little Learners class and Ian isjust brought all over the place. Ian is 9 months old now,and he has been standing on his own for a month now. Hewants to eat everything in sight, but he has no teeth.
We have been real busy with school, hockey, and work. Weare looking foward to the Christmas season. It will begetting real hectic soon, as all of my boys (including Dean)will have their birthdays in the next couple months. We arealso in the process of finishing our basement, so it will betwice the room!
The pictures are of Gavin in our boat that Dean bought thissummer, he was all tuckered out after a day of fishing.
The second picture is of Logan at the ER, after gettingstitches. He fell on a bike at the pumpkin patch and splithis chin open. Believe it or not, this was our first set ofstitches for any of our kids.
This is a picture of Dean's new boat. He worked real hardto get it and he loves taking the boys out in it.
This is a picture of Austin and Gavin playing in the kitchenon a bike. Sounds like a bad combination to me!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Ken & Mary's week end
Greeting to all,
Ken and I took off Fri about 4 pm and drove to Chicago to see Brian and Sarah. We heard there was a snowstorm coming, so we figured we should get out of town. The drive over was fine, and coming home we drove thru rain, sleet and a few snow flurries, but we got home safe. We spend Sat morning downtown Chicago, went to the Christkindlmarket in Daley Plaza. If anyone wants to see what it is check out the website . Then we went to Macy's to see some of the decos (when Brian got cold). It was lots warmer in Chicago then it is here. Then we spent time in their condo, just helping them do some things. They had some of the floors done, and is getting the rest of them done this week. Brian is going to Boston Mon afternoon for training. So he was working hard getting some walls painted, and furniture moved around. Anyway we had a great week end. And another website they some of you might want to check out is (I think that is what it is) it's a cute site, especially if you have younger children who believe. I hope all of you have a great week.
Ken and I took off Fri about 4 pm and drove to Chicago to see Brian and Sarah. We heard there was a snowstorm coming, so we figured we should get out of town. The drive over was fine, and coming home we drove thru rain, sleet and a few snow flurries, but we got home safe. We spend Sat morning downtown Chicago, went to the Christkindlmarket in Daley Plaza. If anyone wants to see what it is check out the website . Then we went to Macy's to see some of the decos (when Brian got cold). It was lots warmer in Chicago then it is here. Then we spent time in their condo, just helping them do some things. They had some of the floors done, and is getting the rest of them done this week. Brian is going to Boston Mon afternoon for training. So he was working hard getting some walls painted, and furniture moved around. Anyway we had a great week end. And another website they some of you might want to check out is (I think that is what it is) it's a cute site, especially if you have younger children who believe. I hope all of you have a great week.
Theresa says
eragon dragon to me show details 6:50 PM (23 hours ago) Reply
well no one don't have to worrie about me any more i will never be on this famliy site ever again. since no one really care about me or me getting married or about me being happey in my life. i went through 20yrs of hell but you guys dont care about that. goodby
well no one don't have to worrie about me any more i will never be on this famliy site ever again. since no one really care about me or me getting married or about me being happey in my life. i went through 20yrs of hell but you guys dont care about that. goodby
Angela's news

Hello Aunties,
Someone asked for some news other than Teresa's, so could you please post the below and the two attached pictures for us? Thanks!
Many of you are frequent visitors to Savannah's carepages, so some of you may already be aware of our good news. This past Wednesday, Savannah had an echocardiogram done which proved that her heart is quite the strong little ticker with no problems, and her pulmonologist, who has been following her progress since before her surgery in August, has dismissed her from his care, stating that she looks great and is now "normal." Savannah showed us weeks ago that she didn't need the oxygen by keeping her saturations up, so we haven't had the need to use it. We also took her off the monitor that measured her saturations, which proved to be harder on us than on her. It's been very good news for us to be given medical clearance from her most skeptical and cautious doctor. American Home Patient will be picking up all their equipment next Tuesday. We're at the end of my parental leave. I'll be going back to work on the 5th and looking forward to Christmas. Hope everyone survives the weekend winter storms!
Love to all, Angie
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