Happy Easter from Wyoming....
Just wanted to log on and wish everyone a Happy Easter, and to fill you in on what has been happening in Wyoming.
mmmmmm....where to start.
Bob was home from work one day a couple of weeks ago and heard this huge gust of wind hit the house. He said it really rattled the windows. He decided to get up from reading the paper to see what was going on, and he realized that a microburst had hit the house. It didn't go any damage to the house, but he said that it really rattled the windows. He went outside to see if it had done any damage and realized that it had moved the tongue of the trailer about a foot off its block. He also realized that it had blown the roof off of one of the old sheds that we have. It lifted the roof off the building and deposited it into our round pen. It destroyed the building and the round pen. Luckily it missed the camper.
About a week or two earlier we had a really bad wind come up one Sunday and when Bob went to put the dogs back into their kennel he realized that the wind had blown over a lean to on the barn. Luckily nothing was in the lean to at the time. (I uploaded some pictures so you can see the damage.)
As you can guess the wind has been pretty bad here. We have had high wind warnings and red flag warnings just about every week since before the first of the year. When we were going down to Fort Collins for my second foot surgery we saw a semi on its side. The wind had blown it right off the road.
Well, hope everyone has a happy and safe Easter.
Bob and Julie
Thanks for the pictures and updates. I do not see any pictures of the red ones, where is it at? Which building are they staying in? Also, it does not look like it is greening up out there or were they taken several days ago?
We also hope everyone has or had a great and safe Easter sunday.
Julie, what kind of surgery have you had on your feet? Hope you are feeling well now and getting around without pain. Matt, Jerome and Liz came today. We put some drainage tile on the west and north side of the house to hopefully take care of the rain water that gets into the basement when it rains heavy. Otherwise we had a pretty quite Easter.
Happy Easter everyone!
Had bunion surgery on my little toes. They are doing real well now, but it was a long haul. Bob took really good care of me when I was laid up.
We had James, my sister, and my two nieces and their families out for Easter dinner. We just got done with all the dishes, etc. (I love dishwashers.) And the kids rode the four wheeler. The boys always like to do that when they come out.
Gabby, the pictures were taken a couple of weeks ago, but it really isn't greening up here yet. We haven't had a lot of moisture this winter, and we really do need some. Hopefully it will rain soon.
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