This will probably only be of interst to Ann, Linda and Barb. With a little (truthfully - alot) of help from Ken this morning - this is what I have come up with so far. It is a little of the big size, but this is the biggest iron I have. I need to bind it, put handles on it and a closure in front.
But I didn't think it so too bad for a first effort - and it will protect the iron on sew days!!!!
It may have to be a sew day project!!!
well, who needs to spend the money on a pattern. Looks like you figured it out pretty good.
I assume everyone has to bring their own iron to retreats, right? If that is the case, yes it should be a sewing day project!
I agree! We should have a sewing day project so each of us can make one - this I could probably do a lot easier than trying to make a quilt! Thanks to Mary for all her help, I intend to get this to work and be able to make pretty quilts like she does!
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