Saturday, September 3, 2011


It has been raining most of the day and we needed it! It was a good day to can the tomatoes that were picked. I made salsa today - got 8 quarts and 7 pints with a bowl full left over. It turned out hotter than I would prefer but that is the way it goes sometimes. Ryan said it is fine with him. That will probably be all the salsa I try to make this year as it takes along time to cook down. Will make juice or stewed tomatoes out of the rest that do not get eaten. Also made some refrigerator dills and refrigerator bread and butter pickles earlier this week. Every year I think I need to cut back on the garden and canning but somehow I still end of doing plenty. It always taste good in the winter and I know there are no preservatives in what I do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Ann,

It's been a while since I've been on this site, so wanted to comment on your garden. Sounds like you've gotten quite a bit done. I too have been busy canning, and a couple of things I've tried this year are sweet pickles and mustard pickles. We'll see what they taste like sometime later this fall/winter. Today I canned some tomatoes and probably next week will get my swiss chard done.

Have a good weekend!