Barb has a coffee group she attends a couple days a week. This afternoon I heard about it and joined them (in fact, I joined them with 5 grandkids and Ken) for a little while at McDonalds. I don't think they will let me know about the next meeting.
Her friend also brought cupcakes/cake to enjoy.
Happy Birthday! I thought of your upcoming birthday on Wednesday but of course did not send an email right away so it had slipped my mind today. Hope you had a good day.
Ann and Roger
Hope you had a great day with everyone. I love you!
ps - why is dad sleeping?
First of all - I was not sleeping, I was trying to stay out of the picture but someone had to use a wide angle lens. Thanks for stopping in Mary, everyone enjoyed seeing the younguns and you are welcomed anytime. I should have supplied Connor with more cake so we did not have so much too bring home.
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