Zachary's Cub Scout Den visited Mayo One's helicopter pad this evening. Unfortunately, Mayo One was called out right before the boys arrived for the tour. It was totally neat to see the hanger and everything else. While we were there, we did get to see another helicopter land, unload a patient, and take back off again. The boys thought that was neat to see.
Wow, that looks so cool Zach. G'pa Ken was really jealous when he heard you going on that tour. Next time you will have to tell G'pa before you go, so he can go with you.
G'ma Mary
Let's hope none of us need the helicopter, but how neat of a tour that must be!!
That is too bad the helicopter had to leave before they got there! But it still looked fun.
What a great opportunity! I have never been to the landing pad, but I have seen them come in for landing. That was a few years ago when my friend's husband was in the hospital.
Maybe next time you will get a chance to look at one inside. Guess they're really something!
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