Hello All:
If has been awhile since my last post. Bob is still on overtime and the weeks and especially the weekends seem to fly by.
We didn't get a lot of fishing in the summer with Glendo flooding and all. Really hard to fish all of the boat ramps are under water. And by the time the water went down the fishing wasn't worth anything anyways.
Bob did find time to get a little antelope hunting in this fall. He was pretty lucky and got a pretty nice one on opening morning. We should have his mount back from the taxidermist right before Christmas. Guess what Bob gets for Christmas??
Pheasant season opened up here a couple of weeks ago. Bob took the girls up to Springer two Fridays ago to start off the season. This is a special hunt area run by our Game and Fish department. It is a special draw area and you have to sign in and out. They only allow a certain number of hunters on the preserve at any one time. It is a good place to get the dogs tuned in for the rest of the season
Then last weekend he took his young dog out by herself to get her some more experience without her mother being along. She did really well on her first solo hunt...they brought home two birds that day. And actually that was pretty good because I don't think they left home until about two that day and had to quit hunting at about four.
This morning we decided to take both dogs out. It was a really nice morning for pheasant hunting. There was fresh snow on the ground and it was cool so the dogs wouldn't get overheated. Only problem was there wasn't a lot of birds out. Could be because it was snowing...oh well. We had a really good time and at least we didn't get skunked.
Hope everyone is well.
Bob and Julie
Ick! I do not like the looks of that white stuff! Rochester had snow but we have only had rain (and some sleet/hail on Friday). I am getting tired of the gray sky.
Glad you are having some luck hunting Bob. Matt got a small deer last weekend but that's it so far.
Congrats to you Bob on both your antelope and pheasants. I agree with Ann - I'm not looking forward to snow!
Talked to Kim a little while ago and she said they have 7 inches. Erick did the snowblowing thing, but she said the snow was so wet and heavy he and to quit and then they finished shoveling the next day.
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