Well the day that Bob has been waiting for for seven longs months has finally arrived. Opening day of pheasant season. He has been dying to get Lacie out in the field and see how she does. Well, today was the day, and she did better than he expected. Bob is just letting her mother do most of the training, and if Lacie follows her lead she will end up being a really good bird dog. We hunted for about two hours and came home with our limit of birds. It was a beautiful day and it was too bad that we limited out so soon, but it looks like there is some weather moving in, so we were probably lucky to get home when we did. We will probably go back up tomorrow and let Lacie get some more hunting time under her belt. She was pretty pooped by the time we got done today. I am sending you some pictures that I took this morning.
Bob and Julie
The weather looks much nicer than the last posting. We've had nice weather too since November arrived. Now Bob moved onto birds, did he get an antelope? Have a great day everyone!!
Nope Bob didn't get his antelope. He was supposed to go huning last weekend, but all of the roads were closed, and his season ended, so it is on to elk and pheasant. There is always something to hunt in the fall around here.
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