Sunday, November 29, 2009

Wyoming News

Bob has been pretty busy since Thanksgiving Day. He told my nephew this past summer that if he bought an elk license that he would help him get an elk. The Game and Fish Department was issuing some reduced priced cow licenses in the Laramie Peak hunt area. Since he is only 14, he was able to get a reduced youth cow license. My brother and his family came up for Thanksgiving. So, Friday morning they got up really early and headed over by Laramie Peak to see if they could catch up to some elk. Well, they hunted real hard on Friday, saw some, but weren't able to get close enough to get a good shot off. Saturday morning they took off again to see if their luck had changed. Bob said that they almost got one before sunup!! He said that there was a four point bull standing in the middle of a blacktop road at 5:30 in the morning. He managed to get his truck stopped ten yards from the elk, and it just stood in the middle of the road and looked at them. He was lucky that time!! They hunted pretty hard all morning, and finally just as they were about ready to call it a day, they saw a herd of 50 to 60 elk come rolling over a small hill. My nephew got set up and managed to drop a real nice cow about 200 yards from the truck. As you can see from the pictures, he was a pretty happy kid!! Bob still has his tag to fill, but has until the end of January, so he isn't real worried about it.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and we will talk to you soon.


Monday, November 23, 2009

Greetings to all

I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!
And also, just wanted to remind everyone that the Hayes Family Christmas Party is Dec 19. I haven't heard what is being planned, so if anyone has ideas - lets hear them. As for me, I would like to continue the tradition and have it a soup pot luck with a white elephant gift exchange.
But I would also like to hear other ideas.
Also, we need to decide if there will be gifts for the children.......and if the big man in the red suit will be there again.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Wyoming News

Well, the work on the roof continues. Chris is making good progress and should have the house done by today or tomorrow at the latest. Then it is on to the garage. Bob has been trying to help as much as he can. He offered the use of our scaffolding, and I think that has helped a lot. The roof on this house is pretty high and steep, just like the garage. Here are a few pictures showing the progress. Oh, and he is putting all new maintenance fee soffit on as he goes, which of course takes a lot of time. It sure is going to look nice when it is all done!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary to Ann & Roger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you have a great day..........

Monday, November 9, 2009

Wyoming News

We are FINALLY getting the new roof put on the house. It took a while for the tin to get here, because the first time they ordered the wrong color, and then they forgot to order it, so it took about a month for it to get here. Then again, the weather hasn't been the best for roofing. Chris (our contractor) started putting it up Friday with a lot of prep work and is going to town on it today. Hopefully it won't get too windy and he can get the north side done today. Bob has today off (he had some vacation days he had to take before the end of the month) so he can help carry and hold. Bob is figuring on going pheasant hunting with the girls this afternoon as soon as they stock, so the day won't be a total loss. I will send more pictures when the roof is done.

Oh, and I had to slip in a picture of Bob and his girls out hunting yesterday.


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Wyoming News

Well the day that Bob has been waiting for for seven longs months has finally arrived. Opening day of pheasant season. He has been dying to get Lacie out in the field and see how she does. Well, today was the day, and she did better than he expected. Bob is just letting her mother do most of the training, and if Lacie follows her lead she will end up being a really good bird dog. We hunted for about two hours and came home with our limit of birds. It was a beautiful day and it was too bad that we limited out so soon, but it looks like there is some weather moving in, so we were probably lucky to get home when we did. We will probably go back up tomorrow and let Lacie get some more hunting time under her belt. She was pretty pooped by the time we got done today. I am sending you some pictures that I took this morning.

Bob and Julie