What has been going on in Wyoming for the past month or so? Well, Bob was working nights for a couple of weeks. He liked it, but I didn't enjoy it much. He had to be at work at 3:30 in the afternoon and he got off at 2:00 am. So, the only time that I got to see him was on the weekends.
He has been hunting on the weekends, but hasn't gotten his deer or elks yet. Work just seems to get in the way of his hunting excursions!! I know that he hates that. I am sending a couple of pictures of him getting ready to go elk hunting this past weekend. He left from work Thursday night, and met some friends up over by Laramie Peak. They hunted hard on Friday and Saturday, but the elk had been pushed over on to some private land and they couldn't get to them. He had the chance to take a small muley buck, but passed it up for something bigger. I think he said that it was only about 60 yards away from him. And, he was sitting in the truck!! He didn't want to shoot and spook any elk that might be in the area.
Next weekend my brother and nephew are coming up and Bob is taking Mikey up to see if the can get him his first elk. That should be fun.
Then pheasant season opens, and Bob is real anxious to get Lacie out in the field to start her hunting career. I will send you pictures of Lacie and Abbie soon.
Good luck Bob, I hope you get the big one that you lookiing for.
Thanks for the news, it is always nice to hear what the family is doing.
Keep us posted.
Thanks Julie, I know you are the one who is doing the posts.
good luck with your hunting-
my boys haven't had any good luck either
damn work anyway would be nice to have vacation from sept- dec
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