Well, we arrived home late on Monday afternoon, healthy but just a little travel weary. We had a great time at the reunion and were glad that we made the trip. We stopped in Yoder on our way home and picked up the puppies, and then made a detour to Torrington to get them their second puppy shots, and then we headed south to Carpenter. Everyone was happy to finally get home.
Tuesday we got up early and headed back up to Yoder to pickup some friends, and then we headed to Glendo to get somefishing in. We had a pretty good day bringing home 20walleye between the four of us. They ranged in size from one to six pounds. Bob and I each caught a five to six pound walleye. That made the trip worth it!! We did some more fishing on Wednesday afternoon/evening and we didn't get home until three Thursday morning. That sure makes for a long day.
We are headed over to Sidney Nebraska tomorrow to get somefishing supplies from Cabelas. Bob needs to make somemore crawler harnesses, we lost a lot of them in the weedsthis week. It is a lot cheaper to tie your own ratherthan buying them.
I am attaching a couple of pictures of the fish we caughtand some pictures of Glendo. Hope you enjoy them.
Bob and Julie
Tuesday we got up early and headed back up to Yoder to pickup some friends, and then we headed to Glendo to get somefishing in. We had a pretty good day bringing home 20walleye between the four of us. They ranged in size from one to six pounds. Bob and I each caught a five to six pound walleye. That made the trip worth it!! We did some more fishing on Wednesday afternoon/evening and we didn't get home until three Thursday morning. That sure makes for a long day.
We are headed over to Sidney Nebraska tomorrow to get somefishing supplies from Cabelas. Bob needs to make somemore crawler harnesses, we lost a lot of them in the weedsthis week. It is a lot cheaper to tie your own ratherthan buying them.
I am attaching a couple of pictures of the fish we caughtand some pictures of Glendo. Hope you enjoy them.
Bob and Julie
It was great seeing both of you. I'm glad you made it home safe, and had a good vacation. It sounds like you had a couple good fish dinners!!!! Thanks for the pictures and keep the post coming.
yeaH nice 'eyes broiled or batterfried? hmmmm.
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