Thursday, March 19, 2009

Alex's Birthday

Yuumy Cupcakes!

I am not very good at posting the pictures, so bear with me on that. This past weekend Alex turned 12.........hard to believe he is that old already! And that makes me even older (yikes). We had the family over to our house Saturday night for a little get together and here are some pictures from then. The next day, Sunday, Alex had a friend party at the bowling alley in Byron. For Christmas, Alex had gotten a bowling ball and this was only the 4th time he had used it. Some of his friends were using it as well and when one of them threw the ball down and it hit the pins, the ball broke!!!!! The guy working at the bowling alley had to climb in by the pins to get the pieces. It broke in to 3 bigger sized pieces. Noone had ever seen that happen before. Crazy!!!!!

After the bowling we went to an Owatonna Express Jr Hockey game. It is like the Ice Hawks (if anyone is familiar with them) except a lot cleaner hockey. They have a game that you can play between 2nd and 3rd period. You buy a puck and then throw it on the ice towards the 3 buckets they have out there. The 3 closest pucks win some kind of gift certificate. They also have an on-going competition to get a puck INSIDE one of the buckets. The jackpot grows each game until someone gets it. They said noone had gotten it yet this year. Well.............not anymore! As I was helping Jordyn throw her pucks, Alex is jumping up and down telling us that his went in. Me, being the nice mom, didn't believe him at first. But, it did.........Happy Birthday Alex! He decided to save the money and put it away for next summer.

Alex was selected to go to Fort AP Hill in Virginia next summer to be with close to 42,000 other Boy Scouts at the National Jamboree. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity for him to be gone for almost 3 weeks. There are 36 kids from all over SE MN that will board a bus and go out East. On the way, they will stop and be tourists! So, Alex has been fundraising and trying to earn extra money to pay for his trip.

I will post some more pictures of the bowling and hockey game. Hope everyone has enjoyed this nice weather. Hopefully this afternoon is nice, too. Jordyn has been wanting to get her bike out, so Shawn is going to take off the training wheels while she is at daycare today and they are going to see how that goes this afternoon. I will see if they are still trying the 2-wheel thing when I get home and get some pictures of it.


Anonymous said...

I hope you are looking into returning that ball, it must have been defective to break like that. Love the pictures, thanks for sharing. And congrats to Alex on winning the jackpot. Smart choice to save some of it for next summer.

Anonymous said...

I'd think they should replace the ball also. I've only heard of one breaking one other time - and they guy had used it on a league for several years. I too want to congratulate Alex. Hokey practice really paid off!

Anonymous said...

Shawn did take the ball back and they replaced it for us. The guy even came in on his day off so that the holes would be drilled and ready the next day for Alex to take it bowling.


Anonymous said...

Heather-I want to support Alex in his fundraising. Let me know what he is selling or what not! I waited on your parents and your kids on Saturday night. Fun to see them outside of the hockey rink!!
