Monday, December 31, 2012


It is sad to let everyone know that Stacey's dad passed away today.   Hopefully someone will have more info and will post/or let us know.

Stacey, in this time of sadness, our thoughts are with you.

Emma Lucille

Emma Lucille joined the family on Dec 31, 2012 about 1:20 pm.  She weighed in at 6 lbs, 9 oz, and measured 19".  Conrad and Norrie getting their first look at baby sister.

Conrad was very anxious to hold his sister.   He knew that she was little and needed to held tight and to support her litttle head.

Norrie was more interested in checking out mom's bed - notice she is wearing her "Big Sister" shirt.

Baby Emma

G'ma Mary holding baby Emma for the first time.

Papa Ken holding her for the first time.

Emma was nice and quiet while Papa Ken held her.   She was opening her eyes, but it was hard to tell what color they are.   Daddy said they are dark blue.

Daddy is busy texting friends with the good news.

Mommy and baby.   They both seem to be doing good.   Nancy was feeling pretty good.   She had a nap shortly after having baby.

The entire Tuinstra family.  Conrad and Norrie were more interested in checking out all the equipment in Mom's room.  But considering all - it's not too bad a picture.

Mommy with her three little ones.  Everyone looks happy.
Gets lots of sleep tonight mom and dad!!!!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Wyoming News

Howdy from Wyoming....(How corny can I get:)

I just wanted to share a picture with you of a lamp that a friend of ours made for us.  He used the wood from a dead cedar tree from our windbreak north of the house.  We found the lamp shade at Lowe's today, and it really looks nice on it.  (At least I think so.)  I hope every one has a Merry Christmas.  I know that it is supposed to snow a little bit here on Monday and on into Tuesday.  We are supposed to go into my niece's on Christmas Eve, and James and a couple of friends are coming out to our house on Tuesday, so I hope the weather will cooperate.

Bob and Julie

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Ken's brother

Prayers to the Peters family.  Ken lost his brother, Larry, yesterday.  Have a safe trip to the funeral.  May you find condolence in the fact that he is at peace.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

A week end of music and dance

Saturday evening Ken and I went to The Nutcracker Ballet put on by the Rochester Symphony Orchestra & Chorale and the Allegro School of Dance here in Rochester. No pictures - photos not allowed, but the scenes were beautiful and the dancing was wonderful.  

Then she changed into the black outfit.

 Lots of fun to watch the girls.    There were also some very young girls.  Its amazing to see how the girls improve every year.

Jordyn with her instructors.   They are wonderful with the girls

After that we had played to drive to Hayfield to watch a light and sound show that has been going on for the last few years, but it seemed to be getting quite foggy out, so we decided to just drive home.   And since we come home early, we managed to get our tree decorated.   So now we have the village up, the stockings up and now the tree, now it's just getting gifts wrapped and some cookies baked.
Merry Christmas everyone.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Church Programs

Last week was the week for Church Christmas programs.   Monday (Dec 10) was the night for Zach and Dakota's. 


Zach with the other 4th graders.

Dakota being a ham, having to wave to make sure we see her.

Dakota was a star bearer - when she sat down, we couldn't see, but she wanted to make sure we knew where she was - that's her holding the stars up high.

Wed (Dec 12) was the night for Conrad's church program.  Ken and I weren't able to see all of it, but we did get to see and hear Conrad's group carry the straw to the manger, and then to sing "Away in the Manger"

Here are some of the pictures from Zach and Logan's game on Dec 13.

Not sure what happened here, but Zach seemed to think it was funny.   Nice to see that the boys are having fun on the ice.

Logan wears jersey #22.

Another picture of Logan.
 Look at the family reunion in the official's area.  Shawn, Alex, Michelle and if you look close in the lower left corner it is Dean. 

Zach in net.  The little black blur you see above the stick is the puck.

Zach in net.
A couple months ago, I wanted a new camera.   And it has been so neat to be able to zoom in and see the kids on the ice.   Or to see Alex in the choir (didn't post any of those pictures, just Alex in a white shirt).   After the hockey game, stopping at Michelle's house for Zach's b'day, then it was a quick trip to the high school to see Alex in the choir concert.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Wyoming News

Hello from Wyoming.

Hope everyone is having a good holiday season.  We haven't had much if any snow here yet this year, and the weather has been pretty nice so far.  We are hoping for some snow, because it has been really dry here this year. We finally got our shed/garage put up this fall.  We had been talking about it for quite a while and finally just decided to do it.  We bought the kid from Menard's and had a couple of guys we know put it up for us.  It turned out better than we could have ever expected.  Bob is working on getting it all wired up, he has all of the outlets and half of the lights done.  It won't take him much longer to get the rest done.  I have uploaded a couple of pictures so you can see what it looks like,  We can get the camper, four wheeler and both big trucks in it.   Gonna be really nice this winter when it is snowing (I won't have to scape frost and snow off the windows. Hope everyone has a Merry and safe Christmas and Happy New Year.

Bob and Julie


What a way to celebrate!

Zach turned 10 yesterday!   He sure knew how to celebrate that one.  He pleasantly reminded me that I HAD to come to school with treats and have lunch with him - that's a tradition for us.  One I get to start with Dakota probably sometime next week since she's off from school over her birthday. 

Zach was lucky enough to also have a hockey game last night!  Keep in mind...this is the first year of playing goalie and only second game this season - HE GOT A SHUTOUT!!!!   Final score at the end of the game very proud mom here.  

So we celebrated in the locker room after the game with gatorade and cupcakes.  The boys even started singing Happy Birthday to Zach as they undressed.  It was pretty awesome - the team in the adjoining locker room also yelled a few Happy Birthdays over the wall....I don't think Zach realized that part  :)

Congratulations to Logan Bolin - He scored it FIRST GOAL of the season last night also!!!!  Dean and I had some fun last night working books and time clock.  Alex was wonderful about helping us out with the time clock last night also. 

Mom and Dad had their camera...I'm hoping to see some awesome photos uploaded. 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

It's beginning to look like Christmas

It's beginning to look more like Christmas around here - look I have more cute elves. 

Let it snow, let it snow.......
I'm so glad Ken put some lights out a couple weeks ago, they looked nice at night, but now they look awesome with the snow on them.

I'm dreaming of a White Christmas......
It was pretty today watching the snow - I'm sure of you may not be happy with it, but it was pretty.  And everythng looks so nice and clean now.   I'm sure some people (like Kim and Erick) probably think it was too much snow.  And some people (like Brian and Sarah) was wishing they had some instead of the rain they got.  

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Cute elves

Conrad and Norrie had a sleep-over at Papa Ken's and G'ma Mary's house Saturday night.  Aren't they cute elves - Conrad saw our Santa hats and wanted to wear one, and what big brother does, Norrie does. 
We baked a few cookies and took a plate of them to Clara after church on Sunday morning.  They are one of her favorites - a sugar cookie.   The funny thing is she got the recipe from me, and she got it, she started making them all the time, and then asked me if wanted the recipe (guess she forgot where it came from).   She seemed to really enjoy one this morning during our visit.

Back to Saturday night, after making the cookies, Conrad and Norrie made a count down chain.  They both glued the strips to make a chain, and it is so long it took both of them to hold it for the picture.   Notice they are now in jammies - we had a jammie party with popcorn!!

Zach's first hockey game

Zach had his first hockey game a couple days ago.  He is a squirt this year, so they actually play games!!!!  He is on the squirt C team, along with Logan Bolin.  This year Zach decided he wanted to be a goalie - oh no!!!!  But he sure looks good in the net - doesn't he?

A save!   Way to go Zach.

Oh, look who else was on the ice.   Uncle Shawn.  Shawn reffed the game.

An anxious mom - watching the net - hoping for a save.  It take a strong mom to watch their child in net!!!!

Ya, our team scored!!!!

A save.  Good job, Zach.

Oop's, a goal for the other team.  Just shake it off Zach and stay focused - you will be ok.

A celebration at the end of the game - congrats Zach for a game well played.   The team won their first game.  It was a fun game to watch.  (bad picture, it's the crappy glass at the arena)
But, like Michelle said, it's hard to see the other goalie when he lets the puck in the net -
PS............Just an update, Ken and I went to watch Alex's game in Austin on Saturday - the JV team won - their second win.   But the exciting part was seeing Alex score his first goal of the season, his first as a high school player.  Awesome, Alex, you played really good.  It is fun to watch you.