Linda and Ann very busy!!!! Linda didn't do any sewing, but she was a big help with the rotary cutting and helping with questions.
Well not so busy here, this is when they thougt it was a sitting around talking day..........
Barb and Ann with their finished projects. Barb finished her charm tote and made a grommet bag. Ann finished her scrap sack and also made a grommet bag. I also got a couple projects finished, but don't have pictures of them yet.
Barb and Ann with their finished projects. Barb finished her charm tote and made a grommet bag. Ann finished her scrap sack and also made a grommet bag. I also got a couple projects finished, but don't have pictures of them yet.
As Ann said it was cool Saturday, which made it a perfect day for a get together and sew. That is what Linda, Ann, Barb and I did most of the day. Some of them tried to slack off, and I had to keep them on tract so they would get their projects done. It was a sewing day, but they thought they should sit and talk!!!! I'll post a couple pictures so you will see that we did get some sewing done. It was lots of fun, and we will be planning another sewing day soon, right? Thanks for the great day.........