Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sewing Saturday

Ken made sure we had nurishment so we didn't get tired with all the sewing........Thanks Ken, we enjoyed the snacks.
Linda and Ann very busy!!!! Linda didn't do any sewing, but she was a big help with the rotary cutting and helping with questions.

Well not so busy here, this is when they thougt it was a sitting around talking day..........

Barb and Ann with their finished projects. Barb finished her charm tote and made a grommet bag. Ann finished her scrap sack and also made a grommet bag. I also got a couple projects finished, but don't have pictures of them yet.

As Ann said it was cool Saturday, which made it a perfect day for a get together and sew. That is what Linda, Ann, Barb and I did most of the day. Some of them tried to slack off, and I had to keep them on tract so they would get their projects done. It was a sewing day, but they thought they should sit and talk!!!! I'll post a couple pictures so you will see that we did get some sewing done. It was lots of fun, and we will be planning another sewing day soon, right? Thanks for the great day.........

busy weekend

Well, what a cool wet weekend this turned out to be!! Also, a fun one. Linda, Barb, Mary, and I enjoyed ourselves visiting and sewing yesterday. Ken also worked on embroidering boy scout bags for the gamboree (they are very nice). I am sure Mary will get some pictures up soon to show us hard at work. Today I went to a clients birthday party, then went to Virginia's. We should all be very proud of our brother Carl who earned $2000 last night for a ill friend/coworker at a benefit by getting his hair cut and beard shaved. And I must say he looks very dashing. I noticed on my way home how much the trees are leaving out now that we are getting alittle rain. So now I am back at home getting some laundry done.
Patricia is suppose to be flying out tomorrow to England, please keep her in your prayers that she has a safe trip and no more volcano activity. She is to return May 11. Crystal will be moving to Riceville, closing on a house June 1. Matt has another week off, some got lay-off notices Friday. Road construction is still a fickle job. Mark and Ryan have been spending time working on their boats or motors - always something. And all the grandchildren are fine (as far as I know). Roger continues to stay out of trouble most of the time and I continue to try to keep an eye on all of them and work.
Hope everyone has a great week.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


I forgot the camera, but spent yesterday with Crystal. I went down to help her transport little girls to McD's for Josie's birthday party. What noise little girls can make in a vehicle. Her birthday is this Tuesday and she is turning 6. My how time flies! And my baby (Ryan) will be 25 on Thursday.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Neighbor's day

Ken and I just went next door to wish our neighbor, Clara, a happy birthday. She is 95 today, lives alone, and other than a little hard of hearing, she is doing awesome. She had to tell us about her day out with her family, they took her to lunch, also she had to make sure we saw all the flowers she got for her day. She won't go to a nursing home cause that's for old people!!! I only pray I'm doing as well on my 95th birthday. Her brother will be 98 later this month.

Hope you are all enjoying this nice weather.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Quote of the day

Money will buy you a pretty good dog, but it won't buy the wag of his tail. Henry Wheeler Shaw

I hope you all enjoyed my quote of the day

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sewing get-together

I was thinking that on April 24, Saturday, might be a good day to have a sewing day. If this day works for you, please let me know, and come up with some ideas of items you would like to sew. Do we all want to sew the same item or we each want to do our own thing? Does anyone have any good ideas for lunch? Pot-luck items, sandwich items, salads? I need some info on what everyone else would like to do. Also what would be a good time to start? 9 am? 10 am? earlier? later? I can have 4 to 5 sewing machines set up, so you can use one of mine if you don't want to bring yours. But I need to know who would like to use one of mine, or if we will just take turns with the machines so we don't have to re-tread depending on the fabrics we are using. Ideas, ideas, ideas........please put yours out so we can decide what we want to do.
Maybe this will force me to straighted and get organized......or maybe may be coming to my messing sewing area.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Greetings from Branson

Hi Everyone, Just wanted to say "HI" to everyone.........we are enjoying our time away, especially Ken and Roger as you can see from the pictures. Although, Roger was luckier, she took a kiss from him. Ann says Roger had a great time, he was able to kiss a filly.
We really enjoyed the Dixie Stampede show is a really fun show to see. And this time (the first time we ever seen it happen) they announced not to rush out, but to come say hi and pet the horses. And said we could take pictures at that point (you can not take pictures, videos,etc during the show). So I took advantage of it and used the camera.
The weather here is great (but I'm sure, you are all saying it is great there also), much warmer than I expected.
We are hoping to see a musical this evening........Noah. Everyone here says it is awesome!!!! So don't know if they will allow cameras and pictures during the show or not, but if I can, I'll be sure to post some.
The trip down was good, Ken and Roger were awesome.....they let us stop at all the quilt shops we wanted to!!!! Now we will see how they are on the way home