Friday, December 31, 2010

Wyoming News

Happy New Years to everyone....

Hope you all have a happy and safe New Years, and hope you all had a Merry Christmas.

We went into my niece's house in Cheyenne for Christmas Eve supper. We had a really good time, but unfortunately Mike and his family weren't able to make it up from Nebraska. I am posting some pictures that I took that night.

We were invited to a New Years Eve party tonight, but just got done with a blizzard so our friends decided to reschedule and have the party tomorrow night. Gives us time to get the trucks out of the snow drifts. Besides, it is too cold to go out tonight.

Bob and Julie

December 26th at the Storlie's

Hi Everyone

We got together on the 26th for Christmas and Nicholas's 8th birthday. We had a big meal, played mexican train, opened gifts, and had birthday cake (not in that order). Crystal trimmed Nicks hair after the cake. The guy with Crystal, Josie, and Kaden is her boyfriend Derek. He is a great guy. The pictures are Matt and family, Mark and Nick, the 6 grandchildren, and Crystal and family.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


to Dean and Katie.......
I know you may not get out with this weather, but I hope you enjoy the day.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Long days....

It's been a couple long days around the Stevens' household. Zach went in yesterday (Monday) to have his tonsils removed. After waiting around the waiting room for over 4 hours, he was finally prepped for surgery. He did an awesome and was very brave! Also very HUNGRY by the time they called him for prepping. It was after 2:00pm when they finally took him back...he hadn't ate since dinner Sunday evening!

Dakota's been busy telling everyone that today's her birthday. She's had to share the attention with Zach...and not liking it much :( She certainly loved her birthday gifts - dora doll, cookie mixes for her easy bake oven, and Tangled- Rapunzel book with musical hairbrush!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas....and ready for another winter blast to hit us just in time for the New Year!



Dakota turns 5 today and she will probably be getting ice cream at some point during her special day since big brother, Zachary, had his tonsils out yesterday.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Fun Coloring Time

A new activity we did today was have the kids color a t-shirt to go with all the fleece pants they received as gifts. You know, everyone needs new jammies. The two older girls really got into it and enjoyed it. (I mean Jordyn and Dakota, not Nancy and me).

Jordyn is wearing her new fleece that she got today......Dakota has a matching one, but she didn't want to wear her's. And if you notice Jordyn and Dakota are wearing neck warmers. They were a hot item this afternoon. I have some great pictures of Spencer wearing them also.
Jordyn and Dakota showing off their talents!!

If some of you noticed that Dakota has a bandage on her hand, and wondered about it. On Wed, Dec 15th, she fell onto a cookie cutter and needed 11 stitches in her hand. (Not baking cookies, but playing with play-doh). It took quite a while at the ER that night, she didn't want anyone touching her hand. I think the time frame was something like checking in @ 4:00 and leaving the ER @ 10:30. During that time we were in Kasson enjoying the Church program for the children. Alex, Jordyn and Zach were in the program....Dakota was suppost to be there also, but didn't make it.
A week later, she returned to the ER and had the stitches out.......she is very pleased to tell everyone that she didn't cry when she had the stitches out. But to be on the safe side, Michelle continues to wrap her hand.

Peters Christmas Picture

We tried a couple, this was the best, we may not all be smiling, but at least no one is sticking out their tongue. (Needless, to say, that happened on some of the pictures).


We are in the planning stages of putting together a 40th Wedding Anniversary for our Mom and Dad. It will be on Sunday, February 20, 2011 in the afternoon Christ the King Catholic Church in Byron. Once plans are finalized - We will put another post on here.

Michelle, Shawn, Nancy, Brian

Christmas 2010

The Peters family had their Christmas gathering on Sun, Dec 26. We started the morning with church, then back home for ham & cheese brunch bake.
Conrad wasn't sure he liked it and needed some coaxing to try it.... of course, he probably wasn't hungry, since they had been into the cookies already.

After eating we opened some gifts and checked out the stockings.

Norrie liked her new hat and mittens.
Connor didn't!!! But hopefully he will wear it when it's needed.

Shawn and Alex received pillow cases made out of boyscout fabric. I thought it would be a nice rememberance of their trip to the Jamboree during the summer.
We had a good time with good food, nice gifts and fun playing games. There are some more pictures that will be posted in the next couple days.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Santa working?

I was so surprised this morning to see Santa (Santa Jr.) out snowblowing this morning! I would have thought he would have been tired after his busy night.
But I guess Mrs. Clause wanted the drive cleared for the busy Christmas Day.....maybe they were having company. Or maybe he just needed to get rid of the cookies and milk calories he had all night.

But he had time to stop, give us a wave and wish us a Merry Christmas.
Here are more on the left!

This picture is Gabby's "small" amount of gifts!

Kim's 2 finished projects!
Here is Kim working on her first sewing project, a casserole cover.
Hope everyone had a great Christmas!
Barb & Gabby

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Hi everyone,
Just wanted to take this chance to wish everyone


and if I don't talk to you also


Love to all
Ken and Mary

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Barb & Gabby's deck

Here's a picture of the deck with all the snow from Saturday and Monday. Gabby said we had about 25 inches from the floor of the deck to the top of the table.
I did do three table runners, but did not take any pictures. I sent one off to Kim and one off to my sister in Arizona.
Best close for now. Merry Christmas to all of you.
Barb and Gabby

sewing projects

Besides work and shoveling snow, I have gotten some sewing done to. I started a batch of Buckeye's (they are still in the fridge to be dipped in chocolate) before Nicholas came home from school, then he helped me with a batch of fudgy bonbons. So will post pictures of by potatoe bags, table runners, and quilt top that I sewed up this month.

snow, snow, snow

Here are pictures from Wykoff from the weekend of December 11. It took along time to dig out.

Mitten & Scarf set

I was at a local shop last week end and spotted fleece mittens and scarfs. So I looked them over and checked them out and decided I could make them alot cheaper or at a more reasonable cost. The mittens were priced at 23.99 and the scarfs at 14.99. (I might be off a dollar on the mittens, but I know the scarf is right). The picture is of the set I made.........I think it turned out really cute.......and since I already had the fleece, it was quite reasonable for me to make. The mittens are double fleece so that makes them really warm, something we need for Minnesota winters.

What projects are you working on? I would like to see what everyone is making!!!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

sewing projects

Hi everyone,

Just thought I would share some pictures of sewing projects I have done........
the covered notebook is for one of the girls at child care, she will be 9 a couple days after Christmas, so this will be her birthday gift.. She loves to write in a journal and keep a diary. I thought the cover turned out really cute. Inside I stamped some of the pages with a border stamp. I think she will really like it.
I'm sure some of you will recognize the tissue holders. We got the pattern on our bus trip in November.
The table runners were really super easy to make........that is they are super easy after you make the first one.
I've been lots of other items also, but can't post them at this time since they will be gifts at Christmas. I love giving gifts that I've's make it really hard for someone to return them.
Have a good day........


Awesome new look. Thanks to whoever did this. How fitting with the winter we are having, and more snow on the way.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas collections

How many of you have something that you collect? All year or just at Christmas?

I seem to have alot of collections at Christmastime. One of them is my Dickens Village, which I didn't get put up this year. Another is a small collection of Santas that we started a few years ago. Two of the Santas came from Brian, he got them at the Kris Kringle Mart in Chicago (2 different years) a couple came from Branson, MO. one came from Canada and one from the Renaisance Festival, and some from who knows where.
I started making mittens for tree ornaments quite a few years ago, it has been fun to see how the mittens have multipled from just 6 to 16 this year. The picture of of Norrie's, it will be her first year to have a mitten on the tree. Conrad watched me put her name on the mitten a couple weeks, and he looked for it on the tree a couple days ago. When I started doing this, I actually even cut the mittens out of the wood, and painted them. I did it all, but the last few, Ken has cut out for me.
What kind of decorating do you do? What kind of collections do you put out? Please post pictures and share with everyone.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Deco

The one thing I did get done over the week end was to hang the stockings and to put the tree up.

I made most of these stockings 3 years ago, but have had to add a couple in the last couple years.


We probably didn't get 17.3 inches of snow, but we got enough. Ken was out with the snowblower twice yesterday and again this morning.
Not the best pictures to show how much snow we got, but it was a last minute thing, and the camera batteries were almost dead.
We didn't do much over the week end, just trying to clean out the drive and sidewalk, and trying to get it done before the temps dropped too much.
Looks like we are having a white Christmas.
I bet Michelle was glad we didn't have this 8 years ago.......Happy Birthday Zachary (Dec 13). Do I need to tell you that he will be 8 years old on Mon.


After 17.3 inches - Erick and I have successfully dug out - twice! It is definately, a very white scean around here. Erick and I took some pictures and if I am able to figure out the techy thing (since erick is off with some friends) I will get them up. The snow drifts are almost all the way up to our windows and the actual snow pack it up to my but.

On the plus side - Erick and I were still able to make it to St. Cloud yesterday for my company's annual Christmas party. It was a slow drive (took about 2 hours) but we were very safe. We stayed the night in St. Cloud, did some present buying today and then made it back home. The roads today were fantastic.

Now - onto a hot shower, some hot chocolate with marshmellows and some present wrapping. Erick and I will be in Rochester for a short time over Christmas - hope to see some of you!


Friday, December 10, 2010

Cancellation Notice

Just wanted to make sure that all family is aware of the fact that the party tomorrow (Dec 11) at Forestville has been cancelled. With the weather forecast what it is, it is better to err on the side of safety and cancel. We don't want any cars in ditches or being snowed in and not being able to get home.

Everyone have a great week end.

And hope to see everyone soon.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Peters' Thanksgiving

It started with a hike at Quarry Hill. Yes, it was cold. But sunny! So we were 'thankful' for that ;-)

Conrad and Dakota started out leading the pack.

Father/son love.

Brian with his wife, Sarah, and their 'kids' Millie and Tessie.

My family bundled up and cozy warm...especially Norrie. She slept for a good part of the hike.

Conrad with his Uncle Shawn.
The kiddos learned the proper (read - SAFE) way to look over an edge. This is in the quarry at Quarry Hill. From left to right is Zach, Jordyn, Conrad, Dakota.

Jordyn and Conrad.

Some parts of the quarry had frozen water for slipping and sliding....

Uncle Brian with some of the nieces and nephews.

And back to Ken and Mary's for dinner. Shortly after this picture Norrie woke up from her nap and then I had a sweet little girl in my hands instead of a camera the rest of the day! But the food looked good enough to photograph and tasted great too. :)