Hi there – I hope this is the right process in going about getting something on the website as I have yet to figure out how else to do anything. As most of you learned at the family reunion – Erick and I have finally begun the process of hunting for a new home. After looking at several less than exciting places we have found one. We made an offer Thursday afternoon and by Thursday night it was accepted and we owned our very first.
The home is in Coon Rapids and is a 4 bedroom/2 bath 1 ½ story. The home came from an estate sale and the same family had owned it their whole life. The basement is unfinished – which we loved – and Erick is already planning the in home studio. It will be tough to keep him on budget. We have a corner lot – lots of yard space but thankfully no sidewalk shoveling as there are none. The backyard is fenced in and I am already thinking where the new garden spot will go next year. We are set to close on August 29th and would plan to move in during the month of September (we have the apartment until Sept. 30).
I will try to remember to bring some pictures from the\nwebsite this next weekend
I will try to remember to bring some pictures from the website this next weekend. See you all soon.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Hello Everyone

Hello Everyone,Well we made it home. It was a wonderful vacation andwe had a lot of fun. The first day we were there wehad a yearling bull moose run across the road in frontof our vehicle. They really grow their moose big upthere. They usually stand about seven feet tall atthe shoulders. We also was a cow moose and her calfseveral times while we were there. They actually wereeating in the back yard of the house we were stayingat. I got some really cute pictures of the littleone. We went halibut fishing on the ocean twice whilewe were there. The largest halibut we caught wasaround 90 pounds. I am sending you a picture of Bobholding one that weighted a little less than that. Weall caught halibut, and I must tell you that they area real challenge to pull in. Bob helped pull in the90 pounder. He had to haul it up twice off thebottom. The first time he got it to the surface itdecided to go back down.The scenery is breathtaking up there. On one of oursight seeing expeditions we got to see mountain goats. We also got to hike up to the Exit Glacier. I wasamazed at how blue the ice is in it.We went salmon fishing on the Kenai River a couple oftimes and were fortunate enough to see several baldeagles along the banks of the river. Bob didn't catchany King salmon, but he did catch a really nicerainbow (about 20 inches) and some Dolly Vardins. Oneof the people in his boat did get lucky enough tocatch a 50 pound king. The salmon were not runningwhen we were up there. It was a couple of weeks tooearly. Bob says that he will have to go back now sohe can catch a King.Bob just talked to our friend and his son told himthat after we left someone caught a 358 pound halibutout of the same port that we put out of. Evidentiallythe big boys finally showed up.Bob and Julie
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Message to Teresa
Hi Teresa
I see you have left a couple of comments about your new boyfriend and his son.
If you would like to write anything about them, send it to hayesfamily9@gmail.com
and then it will be posted on the blog----just alittle easier than everyone going to
the comments. That way you can tell us all at one time how things are going for you.
Sorry you missed the reunion. Take care and have a great day. If you (or anyone)
want to send anything directly to me, my email is annstorlie@yahoo.com
Love Ann
I see you have left a couple of comments about your new boyfriend and his son.
If you would like to write anything about them, send it to hayesfamily9@gmail.com
and then it will be posted on the blog----just alittle easier than everyone going to
the comments. That way you can tell us all at one time how things are going for you.
Sorry you missed the reunion. Take care and have a great day. If you (or anyone)
want to send anything directly to me, my email is annstorlie@yahoo.com
Love Ann
Monday, July 2, 2007
Family picnic
Thanks everyone for making yesterday special. I hope everyone had as good a time as I did. I hear next year we should have chicken, isn't that right Alan? I am hoping everyone is in agreement to try to make this an annual event. It sure was great to have Sharon, Jennifer, and Jody come. Maybe more of Larry's family will make it next time(and Bob's too). Mary, do you have some pictures to post? Hope to see pictures from Bob and Julie's vacation to when they are able. Love to all, hope to see a good share of you at the baby shower for Angela and Savannah.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
We hope that you all have a great time at the reunion today. We are sorry that we had to miss it. We will send you some pictures when we get back on the10th. The salmon are starting to run so hopefully Bob can hook into a nice sized king. Bob and Julie
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